Jesse Dangerously

Hail To The Thief
Taken from Nixon protestors, not Bush.

"the PROUD you"
Get in touch with your savage ancestry, black kid!

"Kneller's Happy Campers" is a wonderful short story, but the guy who re-wrote it and directed the film had no appreciation for what was good about it in the first place and put empty whimsy ahead of every other concern.

Neither is capable of greatness, together or separately. Stop the madness!

Nathan Rabin's writing style is out of control. Are there no editors at A.V. Club? I have always liked the dude at least a little bit, but seriously, this: "It's always problematic when a film is product-designed instead written or directed." and this: "When the production designer has the only important job

spelling check
Iniquities != inequities

Quotation is played out. People used to have to develop their own pith instead of repurposing someone else's.

Woody Allen is a terrible genius
He has meticulously determined the scientific inverse of humour, and this is it.

You aren't the real Clay Davis. The real Clay Davis is on television.

fuck G-funk
It was wack then and it's wack now.

That's a pretty generous score for an album this bad.

What does off-tempo mean?

British Columbia doesn't freeze, ever. You mean Alberta or Saskatchewan or northern Ontario or something.

You probably typed "pixelated" and your spell check caught it, but "pixilated" means intoxicated (literally, acting like a pixie). Things that look chunky from noticeable pixels are "pixelized."

As it happens, Mr Herpes, I somehow failed to notice that in my long and storied career of fucking hardcore feminists.

Ah, the internet. Where no-one can punch you so hard you hear blood.

Chick artists get just as wrecked by encroaching domesticity as male artists do. It's not an inherently sexist notion that it'll be hard on someone's career to get hitched.

Wristcutters is a horrifying travesty that turned an amazing short story into the worst thing ever!

don't kid yourself
This show got dismal by the end of the second EPISODE. It had a stupid premise, thin characters, useless contrivances (would accidents be impossible if not for those gremlin things!??), endlessly repetitive and shallow plots… it was a bad fucking show with one bright spot: it is hard to dislike

Kingsley seems to have only one rule: he will say yes to any fucking script that any fucking person puts in front of him, no matter what.