Jesse Dangerously

Eh, maybe I overreacted. I think the "BMI" paragraph is pretty reductive and unhelpful but upon revisiting it, I'm not sure what got me so worked up in particular.

There's a certain queasy irony to poking fun at hacky stand-up tropes not more than a paragraph before audaciously questioning the musical greatness of Kenny G. Is he really still the most direct shorthand for unlistenably bland pap in 2009? You haven't found anyone more interesting to despise in the last

massage on this
This column fuckin' fails. Way to not give a fuck about women, dick.

It's weird - he said it seven times in the course of the interview, which isn't THAT many I guess. I probably wouldn't have noticed if it didn't come in clumps of about three at a time.

That Ira Glass is one truthful motherfucker.

good god
Is it ever disconcerting to listen to her voice morph in and out of character.

If they'd left out the fireside chat framing device, that amalgamation of knowingly dissected cliches could have stood alone as almost any Stella short.

Peachfuzz - to be fair, Peanuts wasn't written for children at all (at least for the first decade or so) and I think the same is arguable for Calvin & Hobbes. It's a common assumption that stories featuring children are intended for children… but sometimes they totally are not!

You might be wrong, but I can't guarantee it! It is kind of funny that Hope's last book was aimed at girls on the cusp of teenage (not a slight, Chiggers is excellent) but you're worried about Scott Pilgrim being immature? I'm not trying to compare their work, they deal with totally different themes in totally

oh thank goodness
Someone has finally had the temerity to address how AIR-HEADED anorexics are. It's about time, considering how otherwise popular culture treats them like totally worthy human beings rather than some kind of miserable punchline that never goes out of style.

Even Nova Scotian industrial/rap poster boy Recyclone makes an appearance on Blindfold! Not to say his verse sounds phoned in… but it was recorded over telephone.

Once upon a time, Queen Latifah was very VERY good (at rap). Now she is good at acting and lifeless jazz snoozers. But All Hail The Queen? Amazing.