
The movies in Infinite Jest could be made into movies. Like Blood Sister: One Tough Nun.

All Men Must Pie

Joffrey Lannister-Baratheon/Sarah Palin 2016!

Did you see that guy with the umbrella? They haven't even invented the umbrella!

I've deliberately been trying to post on all GOT articles, but I hereby yield.

I listen to LOTS of GOT podcast, but this is the first I've heard of this one. I'm very much looking forward to listening to something with a fairly different focus.

Be prepared. Invest in eye-lasers.

I'm not a Maester, but I play one in mummer's farces. Have you considered the benefits of Essence of Nightshade?

The North is New Jersey. The South is Florida. King's Landing is Miami. Highgarden is Disneyland. Dorne is Brazil. Braavos is Amsterdam. Oldtown is Santa Fe.
This is me trying to simulate GRRM's mindset. Excuse me, I'm hungry again.

Direwolf. Calling direwolf.

In Crimea, Russia replaces you!

I expect that all this unauthorized use of force will get Arya called into the Kindly Man's office, where he'll demand her badge and gun (both of which are knives). Arya will then take the assassination law into her OWN hands, which are actually literally someone else's hands.

Sith Lorde

You can push Bran out of a tree but you cant push the tree out of Bran. Or was it the other way around?

Three Hobbit movies?

Three Hobbit movies?

House Codd's words, "Though all men do despise us", were rejected by Halliburton as too honest.

House Codd's words, "Though all men do despise us", were rejected by Halliburton as too honest.

Not shown: Rog Blake
One of the many reasons to love this dumb show: the title character is not present for most of it.
Also: Elvira look-alike in the middle of the photo: Not one of the 7.
The other "2" of the "7" can't actually appear in the photo, because . . .
Never mind, even the show had a hard time justifying it.

Not shown: Rog Blake
One of the many reasons to love this dumb show: the title character is not present for most of it.
Also: Elvira look-alike in the middle of the photo: Not one of the 7.
The other "2" of the "7" can't actually appear in the photo, because . . .
Never mind, even the show had a hard time justifying it.