
I see you've played ironic-spoony before

If it's GoT, then it could be Daceless Men or perhaps Daario Maharis.

I call it Billy and the Robo-Cowboy

Big Butts: Like or dislike? Answer truthfully.

Star War Z

So, you didn't Remember the Titans?
Get it?! 'Cos I don't!

After the last episode, book readers released an extensive list of Game of Thrones whines.

Furrowing his brow in a vain attempt to understand the situation.

Be a witch AND have a witch. With sexy results.

To be fair Stannis has never said that he's not an insect.

It's a sadistic egalitarian paradise!

Joffrey Baratheon, first of his name, named first!

What about a futuristic amusement park, where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques?

Hey, buddy, I'm from the same time as you. Remember that song, Safety Dance?

Ti od t'ndid i.

That clip is from Mereen. Yunkai prefers deep dish.

Wild guesses: Lancel replaces all the Kettleblacks. Trant replaces Arys Oakheart. Ellaria Sand replaces Arianne.

Ghost, face killer.

Sansa's face said, "I want to go back to King's Landing now. Yes, I know they will put me on trial for regicide and execute me if found guilty."