


I just reread the tower fight section of Clash and Arya killed at least four guys. In episode 3 she just gets knocked down without a fight. At first I thought the show didn't want to go the psycho-killer route with her, then I realized that little Maisie Williams would not be a credible killer onscreen. So to

"We can't pronounce his name either, so we just call him the Old Spice Guy."

It's true, Game of Thrones should win every award, even the most Tony of all awards, the Oscar.

As far as the Boltons are concerned I was under the impression that Ramsay had been removed because that storyline would be too confusing to portray on TV. However, if they are just being pushed back, then does that mean SPOILERS nothing happens to Bran and Rickon this season? I thought that's what all the baby

Paid the iron price for it.

Lommy never lived to become Westeros' finest driver's ed instructor

It are known

They should have called her "Ash" as a nickname, or maybe "Sasha", with Asha as a nickname

Just so

Me nem nesa

Valar dohaeris, bro-ham.

I appreciated Abe's face on the heart tree, the three-eyed crows coming out of the cooling towers and the various animals on the arms of the armillary sphere (including Spider-pig, Jubjub and Stampy). Viewers who don't know of the HBO show were surely less impressed.

I heard they cut out a lot of Jamie's stuff, because there was too much in the book!

Heh heh . .  Stannis is a "peach" . . .
Seriously can't wait to see if they left the peach scene intact

Yeah I recognized the Simpsons reference and wanted to post the proper response earlier. But my arm fell off. Oh well, that's leprosy for you.

The Harbowl!
The Harbrawl!
The Harbaugh-geddon!
The Harbaugh-calypse!
Actually as a Niner fan I'm annoyed at the scheduling of this game. Not thankful. NOT THANKFUL.

I think that word means what you think it means

The good news is that Roose is in the cast this year. The bad news is that Ramsay/Reek is not.
Also no Reeds and no additional Tullys.
As a consolation prize we get a non-canonical Lannister named Alton.
Hear me Roar?