
As your president, . . .
. . . I would demand a science-fiction library, featuring an ABC of the overlords of the genre: Asimov, Bester, Clarke!

Zero Effect
This post continues the lonely and futile struggle to get people to watch the movie "Zero Effect".

Zero Effect

"Kif, show them the medal I won."

The Bourne Identity Crisis

It should be called "Gay for Moleman", and deal with trying to figure out which characters are moles, which are gay and which are gay for moles.

Tase Test

It's like Twilight, but with vampires.

Is that anything like the original Battlestar Galactica?

This show does random silliness really well. Like when McHale and the stats teacher finally face the group: they're all murmuring amongst themselves, but you can clearly hear Nichol-Brown talking about a "pepper jack cheese" recipe.

This show is fo' rotten already.

Or they could freeze, and then the set would catch fire, and they would all stand there pretending not to notice the spreading fire!

The story for Zero Effect is a direct adaptation of the Doyle/Holmes story "Scandal in Bohemia", which Tobias quotes above. He says "loosely based" but the plot is really the same. No doubt that this film is has many influences as do all films, but Doyle/Holmes/Bohemia is the main one.

With all his success in gay action films, he didn't really need to do straight ones.

Economics? That's the Emmy of Nobel prizes!

Before this show, I didn't know who India deBeaufort was. Now I do. Thanks KMATFSOF!

Isn't Hell where the Devil has his condo? He's going back there anyway, why bother with the praying?

A hatch lost its fringe?

Did you see fangs? Catholic priests usually have fangs.

A TV show consisting entirely of cleaning up the aftermath, or just clearing corpses off of the highways, might be interesting! I suspect it would work better than where this show is heading (It's heading to a place I like to call "Collapsingunderitsownweightistan".)