
Girlfriend Experience, Indeed
I say, that Sasha Grey is quite a comely lass! I hope my fellow AVClub film connoiseurs are familiar with her body of work? That they may extend selections from her filmography? What ho, chaps!

That's like saying the Old Testament's premise is ridiculous. So that's your answer right there.

I thought she was going to wind up with that rich snob.

Tim Powers fan here. Who gets to play Blackbeard? I nominate Liam Neeson. Then he and Rush can have an epic beard fight.

Subliminal, liminal and superliminal
Hey you! Join the Navy!

Failed Favresties

Also, that Command Sergeant Major had his weapons with him. If he didn't want to do the hokey-pokey, Stephen could hardly force the issue.

You are entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location. The kind of place where there might be a monster, or some kind of weird mirror. These are just examples; it could also be something much better. Prepare to enter: The Scary Door.

Starbuck existed to press a button and then disappear. Ultimately, all other aspects of that character were a diversion.

Mr. Napier in ST:DS9
He was in the episode "Little Green Men". He was easily the least ridiculous thing in that episode.

Kirk, Picard, Sisko
Captain, Captain, Commander. Why? Space racism, that's why!

I get the feeling Liz has personal experience with both fairy blindness and fake bisexuals.

Tawaret=Fertility=4 toes on each foot=OctoMom

It's not liberty cabbage, it's Super-Slaw.


To the tune of Home on the Range
O. give me a clone,
A clone of my own,
With the Y chromosome turned to X.
And when we're alone,
Me and my clone,
will think about nothing but sex.

I approve of this thread. Are there any Fringe fans who actually watch Amidol, or vice versa? What a terrifying hybrid that would be.

Watching Fringe is like watching the Mirror Universe version of Mythbusters.
This is a good thing. Also, Star Trek reference.
As mentioned earlier Mythbusters showed you couldn't really make "accidental" sound recordings and the way it was done on Fringe was even less plausible. It's all lies. But they're entertaining

John Connor in the future will persuade Kyle Reese to go back in time and complete/preserve the time loop. I thought that was strongly implied by the ending.

So is the kid 70 years old or what?