
I missed the first half of the first episode of this season, so I assume the "step-sister" is a magically animated sex doll. She's not actually supposed to be a real person, right?
I like this show, but were writers thinking "Sock's not sleazy enough"?

Alex was not actually Ben's daughter, so maybe Penny is not actually Widmore's daughter.

Get in there you big furry oaf, I don't care what you smell!

Gold bikinis for all

I didn't like this exchange much, it felt as if it should have been preceded by a voiceover:
"And now, for our slower viewers, the following amusing vignette . . ."

Enough about your promiscuous mother.

Wow, an idea that was too stupid to fail. Someone deserves to be fired, then receive a huge bonus.

I think its's completely legitimate to compare the finale of BSG to LoM, and LoM's finale is better. It answered the questions the audience had, and if you didn't like the answers, fine. At least they didn't drop an entire, crucial story line with a lazy "she's whatever you want her to be" excuse.
Also, apparently the

It's going to be interesting to watch the show over the rest of this season, just as a rebuilding project. As in: what's Fuller going to cut, and keep, and how the tone will change. The last two episodes, however imperfect, had a more serious, moody atmosphere and dialog that wasn't wretched. Characters actions seem

Star Trek 2: Tekwar

Technology is cyclical, according to the beeper king. That means that the cycle of humans and robots destroying one another has happened beofre and will happen again. No wait, that was BSG, and the beeper king was cylon zero. So this is what it's like in Tracy Jordan's head.

It's a comedy movie, right?

They also showed Lutz with his finger caught in a shredder, thereby giving birth to "Lizzing".

But a greyhound fur tuxedo would be best.

Prince paper was put out of business by Michael Scott (and Dwight). It's quite bleak if you think about it. Haw haw.

I am aware of the effect I have on women. I don't see why they have to run so fast, though.

Sure Ben did it, but who helped him? Someone with access to the vans? A mole for the Others? I vote Phil and his squinty, shifty, not-to-be-trusted eyes.

I suppose this isn't an original idea, but maybe the Others are all (un)-dead, Richard doesn't age because he isn't alive, and Ben and Locke have to be dead to join them.

Have the Rolling Stones killed.

So BSG is over and I'm sorry to see it go. The finale was OK, didn't like the angels, but there it is. If I could change one thing, I would have had the Galacticans reach Earth much later, say late Neolithic, and integrate into the existing civilizations as "sorcerors" or somesuch. This is the end for these