
The Paris sequence was the one most reminiscent of Fuller's "Pushing Daisies". I assume he was directly responsible and if so, it's a sign of good things to come. Who knows, maybe Fuller can hijack the show and mutate it into a Mirror Universe Pushing Daisies. Matt Parkman talking to dead people, Bennett his tough guy

Mitochondrial DNA comes from the mother. If Hera is the mother of us all then Athena is the grandmother and only the children of Cylon females survived. Bleagh.

No number 7, probably because it was sabotaged and had to be discarded entirely. No, wait . . . that was BSG.

Die, bad robots! Die!
If a show has the word "Terminator", the audience may reasonably expect some killer robot action. What ratio of metal thumping to navel gazing is acceptable, then? I would settle for 1:5. This season seems below that.

"Stupid TV . . . Be more funny!"

Then we figured out we could park them in front of the TV. That's how I was raised, and I turned out TV.

Lou Dobbs
remains unmoved

So many great gags on the show . . . I'm thinking of some of them now.

Bono and Denis O'Leary are good aliases, but I'd prefer Joe Quimby.

I propose an AV Talk or equivalent comparing "Let the Right One In" to "Twilight". Because young people need to know which is a better guide to dating vampires.

Oh wow, after all these years of being a "Prisoner" fan, I finally GET IT:
He was spying on himself!
No wait, that was "Memento". Never mind.

Mr. Phipps thinks B5 is forbiddingly long and complex, eh? I wonder if a lot of non-fans imagine that. I like the show a lot but it always struck me as relatively undemanding. I think you can watch any random episode for entertainment without worrying too much about the big picture. The costumes were the only

The oven still needs a name
The micro-microwave?

I thought Oprah WAS God and/or the Devil.

More superpowers should be whistle based
That is all


I liked how when Liz confronted Tim she called herself Jenna.
And how Kenneth dismissed Jenna's dress warning only to have it to come true with Cerie.
I like throwaway humor and assorted donuts to stay.

Also there's a rebellion. Led by a squid, or so I assume.
Actually I hope they haven't dropped the rebellion plotline.

Maybe Ben framed Sayid for committing a crime in Guam. Or maybe he actually did commit a crime in Guam, at Ben's behest. Or maybe Sayid really hates Guam. In any case it's all Guam's fault.

She ate him. That's right she's got the munchies for a California Cheeseburger.