
Said Taghmaoui was in Three Kings, and in Traitor, where he played a terrorist. I acutally assumed he was going to bomb the plane. Wretched subconcious profiling!

Ben must be Locke. Just as he always wanted.

The island is like Barbra Streisand . . . powerful, but insecure. At least until Christian Shepard came along. Oh what a rock he's been.

Dave Chang is a Twinkie
We also would have accepted "banana". Mmmm, banana twinkie.

Biological Difference
The columnist Gregg Easterbrook likes to complain about BSG and his last complaint that I'm aware of was that it wasn't clear that there was any physiological difference was between "humans" and "skinjobs". We see that the BSG level of medical technology is similar or superior to ours so the

I found that moment highly amusing, because there is no reason why the younger cylon would know what a tumbril is, and even more so because most of TV audience would not recognize the word, either. She might as well have said "carrocio" or "bodkin".

Episode Alterna-Title
Lecture Circuit 2: Sleeveless in Nashua

The best dinosaurs were the troodons, because they evolved into bipedal, technologically advanced beings capable of interstellar travel. Or at least that's what I saw on that documentary "Star Trek: Voyager".

I like how Ben stares down Kate by saying "Because he's not your son." This from a guy who kidnapped his "daughter". He and Kate actually have a lot in common, they should date.

Ha! Nothing short of a hydrogen bomb can harm the mighty Jin! Oh wait . . .

Talking about constants is the comments section constant. Because it's done constantly. As in constant means all the time. I hope I've made this clear.

I think we should all read Anathem together and comment chapter by chapter

Luke, who is my father?
Oh I wish the writers had learned from the past and resisted the temptation to add another character, especially an angst-ridden misfit youth. So we get to watch the wacky, blood-filled adventures of Sylar and Luke on the road. Wonder if they're related.

Predicting Survivors at The End
Adama/Roslin-One dead, one alive
Final Five-Tyrol alive, the rest dead
First Seven-All Dead
Hera and the unborn cylon-Alive

Well, he was a king in Alexander. Governor should be easy.

Generalissimo, Super-Gay
I hope we see Victor Moreno again in the future, prefereably in a Zorro, Gay Blade-style identity switch with Donaghy.

"Its Ur' b-Day!".

Aaron is the Little Prince
Ben just thinks he is.

Maybe Jin wasn't in the first flash, but later drifted into a "present day" flash, assuming there were any.

The island's shifting position reminds of the movie Krull. I hope we see the O6 racing for the island with the last few seconds counting down. On jet-skis!