
Barely Relevant Quotation
Of the "Star" Franchises - Trek, Wars, Gate, and Search - yours is easily my third favorite.

I assume Jin is flashing simultaneously with the I6? So the flash that put him in contact with the French equates to . . . which of the I6 flashes? Not the one with the bomb (too early), not the one with Desmond (too late). One that hasn't happened for the I6 "yet"? Or he's time traveling separately, which adds a

Maybe the time travelling effect is specific to people and not to an area. I know there isn't a lot of evidence for this but it's an idea.

Krankor was actually the name of the planet. But, yes, they did refer to him as Krankor. Hahh . . . Hahh . . . Hahh . . . Hahh . . .

Massive Dynamic is such a great name for a fake company, at least in terms of business headlines:
"Sluggish Dynamic Growth",
"Massive Executives Announce Belt-Tightening", and so on

They need a tank every episode at least every other week.

If John's body is still alive and his memories are still intact maybe he can resurrected. I know Professor Denethor says he's gone, but as you noticed he was wrong about Olivia being able to talk to him.

Cloned from a wart on his back, I hope.

Zombie assassin slaves
"We don't know whether he wants to kill them or lock them in Gitmo or brainwash them into an American army of ass-kickers"
Why not all three?

Well, they didn't explain how Sylar survived his latest death. Maybe he could get killed in every episode and then return the next time without consequences. That's an original idea, right? Seriously, though, Sylar has to be removed from the show permanently. He's overpowered and the writers don't know what to do with

Ha! I saw this. Surreal.

Starbuck will diagnose the medical condition then administer the appropriate treatment.

"It was good of you to give the dead girl another chance, sir."

I thought I heard Michael say "five-thousand three-hundred" after Wallace said "thirty-five hundred". Is this to indicate that Michael is dyslexic?

Watching Jack Black make out with Cloris Leachman made Andy gay. You could see the tears of gay at the end.

Don't have a sacred cow, man.

Dear Bellona,
I don't get what the third thing you don't get is.

When you surrender yourself to the Movementarians,
you are guaranteed a perfect life of serenity and love,
and loving serenity. (Nothing guaranteed.)

Groundskeeper Willie: I'll kidnap him for fifty, deprogram him for a hundred, and I'll kill him for five hundred!
Marge: No, no, no, just the first two!
Groundskeeper Willie: Alright, I'll throw in the killing for free!

Glen: What are you talking about? There is nothing like that in there!
Homer: Oh, you see when I get bored I make up my own movie. I have a very short attention span.