
Mr. Burns: I'll form my own religion, with it's own symbol.
We'll use this special K!
Smithers: I believe that's already a breakfast cereal, sir.
Mr. Burns: Do people worship it?
Smithers: In a way…

lee harvey awesome-your instincts serve you well, stick to them.

I believe mbs is saying that two thirteen year olds equals one (legal) twenty-six year old. William Macy used a similar line to refer to Alec Baldwin in "State and Main".

I believe mbs is saying that two thirteen year-olds equals one (legal) twenty-six year old. William Macy uses a similar line to refer to Alec Baldwin in "State and Main".

So is the woman in the picture with Daniel this Theresa Spencer? Also, I suspect that Widmore must have an ulterior motive in keeping Theresa Spencer alive. Perhaps he thinks he can harness her Desmond-ing? Or use her as leverage against Faraday?

Marge, when I join an underground cult I expect a little support from my family!

The bad guy turns out to be Luke's father? Someone should turn it into a movie.

Harris is obviously the Observer's father! or something.

Astrid was staring at Peter because of his reaction to the letter from Mrs. Warren, and that's all folks. Clearly it's Rachel and Peter who are making eyes at each other. No chance that will end badly at all, no sir.

In the book, Deckard is not an android, although he suspects it at one point. Also, the book's androids are not particularly sympathetic, and one of the central questions of the movie - aren't the replicants as human us? - is answered with a resounding "No they are not". This has nothing to do with Jeopardy, but

I actually remember the very short-lived TV series that spun off from the two mini-series. There was an episode where they ripped off the "singing La Marseilles" scene from "Casablanca", but with aliens. Come to think of it, "Casablanca" should be remade, as a TV series, with aliens! Who wouldn't want that?

Was Adama reading Emily Dickinson? Where would that have come from? The same place as the Dylan song?