
I'm totally down for this movie. If nothing else, no matter how the trailer looks, I think Aniello and Downs' track record should be enough to make people excited for this

I honestly was thinking that if White was responsible for Pink's shattering that she would do it in a way to make it look like Rose was responsible, even to Rose herself. What exactly that would be, I don't know, but my point being Rose took responsibility because she thinks she is responsible.

Fair point, I guess I was just thinking metaphorically. Actual science of it or not though I can't get this idea out of my head. Whatever happens though I'm sure this show will surprise me.

So, nothing to do with this arc but something occurred to me this week. It's a basic fact of geology that diamonds are the hardest substance on the planet, as such the only thing that can break, cut, or even scratch diamonds is other diamonds. Now obviously this is a scifi cartoon about sentient space rocks but if you

Watched this and liked it a lot but didn't love it for a couple reasons.
First I liked the voice of Billy Batson okay but I wish the got an actual kid to voice him in not Captian Marvel mode, it just works better
Second when Black Atom was in the volcano in the end it was a neat twist but didn't the Wizard explicitly

I actually liked the reveal of the Troll Trace CEO mainly because it feels like there is still more to it for next week, like maybe he used/was used by the member berries. He used them to gain power while they used him to spread themselves. It could just be wishful thinking but it seems like that's where they're going.

I was going to post a facetious comment saying "Oh how dare they leave *blank* out?!" But in trying to come up with an episode to fill in that blank I just couldn't pick just an episode to do it. Hawk and Chick, Spagetti Western and Meatballs, The Frond Files, The Kids Rob a Train, Mother Daughter Laser Razor, Topsy,

I doubt it but is anyone here watching Regular Show? Well regardless I want to talk about it because MY GOD WAS IT GLORIOUS.
So anybody who has seen more than one episode knows that Regular Show is the montage-iest show on tv and this episode made it clear the writers know it too. I was in love with the idea of taking

I was having the same doubts about Matt's deciding to return until I thought about his "I don't know if we'll survive," and I think that line has an implicit "I'm not sure I want to…" about it. Then I thought about his reaction to Dominic showing up and it all clicked, Shelby came to try and get Matt back but he came

I don't know if anybody watched else watched this, but I quite enjoyed it. It's super weird and hilarious, but it's best quality is this air of unease that permeates the whole show. It's an atmosphere that just constantly make thoughts run through your head like: "God, this is odd. Isn't this strange? Why isn't anyone

Was that before or after he left the college with all his Frito Lays prizes?

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!

All I mean is that when I first saw the teasers playing on IFC back in the summer they only said "Coming this fall" or something like that. I had just assumed that a new horror comedy was aiming for a release in time for Halloween

I'm quite looking forward to this series as I love some good horror comedy and this will hold off my not being able to watch Ash Vs Evil Dead season 2 right away since I don't have Starz, but is anyone else bummed that this won't be premiering until after November? It's not a deal breaker or anything but I was under

As is always the case with good news for this show there is only one appropriate response:
On the subject of possibly less groovy news, is the AV Club not doing weekly reviews for this series anymore? That would be a major bummer

…That episode total WAS a Black Mirror episode of Community…How the hell have I never noticed this before!?

I had assumed from the headline that the next season would involve time travel. And while that seemed like a 0-60 in .5 seconds speed into the bizzare, I could see the show doing it and why, mainly to try and undo *END OF SEASON 7 SPOILER I STILL AM UNSURE HOW TO FEEL ABOUT*
…The actual thing they are doing is stranger

Forgive them God…or don't. It's entirely up to you

Too many to mention, but here's some more I'd like to point out;
1. Bob and Louise, as many people in the comments have pointed out. Watch "Hawk & Chick" and tell me that those two don't have one of the best relationships, parent/child or otherwise, on the whole show.
2. Bruce Wayne and Alfred, most specifically the

I loved this episode. It wasn't the funniest but it showed a few things that make me rather excited to see where things are going;
1. This episode really shows that I think the South Park crew is finally getting this serialized television thing down. When they started doing it a couple years ago, and even last season,