
Same. I kind of had a feeling that Garrison as Trump was starting to become intentionally less true from the start of the season when he starts showing self awareness. It seems like they are less interested in commenting on Trump himself rather than the culture that let someone like him be nominated.

I'm so happy about The Tick, mainly because I loved Peter Serafinowicz in the pilot. His superhero voice was great but also there was a subtle unsettling vibe about him, like you aren't entirely sure how unstable this guy could be

I completely understand why Zorak is being brought up more, as he was a much bigger deal, but I will always remember him as Dr. Weird and Steve from Aqua Teen. Some of my favorites:
"Gentlemen, behold!…Corn!"
"Gentlemen, behold! I have made love to this machine! And now upon retrospect, I ask why?"

Dr. Weird yes, but also his assistant Steve too

Well thanks, now I can't unsee that

Pretty good list, but then again you could pick basically any 10 episodes of this show because I could watch all of them any time. Only two I would add;

Let's all pour one out for not only a great show but also one of best users of licensed songs in basically any media. Personal highlights;
"Holding out for a Hero" from "Eggscellent"
"Hey Man, Nice Shot" from "Slam Dunk"
"Forever Young" from "Skips' Story"
and of course "Mississippi Queen" from "Weekend at Benson's"

As big a fan I as I am of Regular Show, there is a tiny part of me that still hears Reverend Putty from Moral Orel when Rigby talks

I didn't get the appeal of Clarence at first, but I've had it on a couple times and it surprised me. It's funny and charming in an odd kind of way, kind of like Clarence himself I suppose so it's appropriate. And Teen Titans is way over saturated, but it is genuinely hilarious, especially the newer the episodes get.

The early episodes are the funniest (mostly the later seasons have had one or two ones where I was laughing literally the whole 11 minutes) but the post season 4 episodes are when the show started getting genuinely good at character development. Plus they even made some episodes with some real heartstring pulling

So I'm am absolutely sure that Mystery Girl AKA S. will return later down the line. I mean this show has kind of made a thing of hiding important plot or backstory details in seemingly mundane things so I'm sure the Crewniverse totally has plans for something as blatant as ending the episode with a phone number to

So my first thought before the bus came in was actually, "Wait isn't this store ONLY for January?" but then I remembered; Oh, YEAH, New Year's Eve was just 2 episodes ago so it still would be January. Ramblings mistakenly called a story short, God I love how connected and logical the timeline of this show is

So something my friend and I both wondered that I think is worth pointing out; looking at the map there appears to be a large hole where Russia should be with a mark Pearl made marking somewhere Jamie shouldn't go (AKA an important Gem location). Thoughts on to what it might be and will it become important later?

I just realized, years later and after watching this episode for God knows how many times that Toomy shaves his head because as good as that serum could be at reversing the effects of aging, it wouldn't be biologically possible to change his hair back.

I'll liked this episode, something nice and light after not just because the last episode was so emotionally intense, but really the last 5 in a row have been since at least Bismuth last week. In addition to the emotional pallet cleanser this episode ended up being it helps plants some more seeds that Steven,

So only tangentially related and probably has been dissected already but the Crewniverse blog posted these designs of the murals on the moon base: http://stevencrewniverse.tu…
What I want to point out that seems relevant is that each Diamond is surrounded by planets. Yellow and Blue both have a few, White has the

Here's a question, as I have been pondering it all night and still am unsure of the answer. The look on Pearl and Garnet's faces when Eyeball said she saw Rose shatter Pink Diamond with her own eye; does that look say shame at something they already knew or does it say shock? What I mean is Bismuth gave us great

So aside from a theory I just read in these comments about Pink Diamond that is mind blowing (Pink Diamond is Lion corrupted but partially healed. Not likely I'm sure but it's an interesting idea) I'm not sure where I stand on the whole Pink Diamond and Rose thing but I do have an interesting theory of my own;
Rose is

So just some random thoughts here;
1. Holy Crap did I freak out when I realized that Bismuth's gem showed up WAY back in Lion 3. I love how much this show really seems to have it all figured out as to where it's going.
2. My sister and I just mentioned while watching how hilarious it is that they keep inserting anime

So I heard something second hand and I wanted to see if anyone else had. What I heard is that one of the Duffers when asked if it had been picked up yet said, not yet but more importantly something along the lines of "Don't call it another season. Call it a sequel," with all the implications of they have something