
Also I forgot anything that has to do with Teiry Greene. Some comics/actors just get Tim and Eric right away and Galifianakis is one of them that does the most.

Something that may be too extreme to start with but totally worth tracking down are the four segments they did for the short lived HBO show Funny or Die Presents. A couple of them are the longform stories, like a proto-Bedtime Stories, one is a sitcom parody with Zach Galifianakis that clearly had the seeds of The

Bedtime Stories works well when it keeps things super creepy like Hole and Toes. My favorite might be Angel Boy though. That ending is so bugnuts I just can't help but love it. Tornado gets a close second for putting such serious actors in that story and playing it completely straight.
Also the "after show" on Haunted

Not even xtreem sports but, and maybe this is just because I was watching it at the time, but Jim and Derrick also gave me an extreme last days of G4 vibe

I gotta wonder how the special will handle the whole Channel 5 team. You obviously need Dr. Steve and Jan and Wayne but Check It Out has given them all a much MUCH darker world than they were in the original Awesome Show. Plus (also case and point with the darker stuff) Isn't Wayne dead and Steve in jail with Scott

Maybe the scene was less Twin Peaks and more just generally really really weird, like weirder than this show gets and not in the same way as say a main character trapped in a early 90s sitcom version of their childhood in their own mind (complete with ALF) for a third of an episode.

I've been mulling it over in my head since it ended a couple hours ago and I absolutely loved this season and I do kind of hope it's the last simply because the running theme is something that has been a core part of the whole series and even the movie to an extent, the nature of a "true" story. Joel Coen once even

That's true and a fair assessment, but I just feel like it fits with the whole season theme of actual truth vs what we perceive as true. I mean Gloria said her exhusband was both her high school sweetheart and someone she knew since 5th grade. From that alone you can imagine she's only ever been with him. I don't know

So am I reading too much into things or is anyone else thinking that Gloria and Winnie going to end up together by the end of the season?

A bit late to this party but if you need an indicator of my opinion; well between work, errands, and chores I still managed to get through this season in just 2 days just because I couldn't stop watching. Also that scene with Angela taking the test in the black room? Super weird seeing something so eerily odd and

I haven't been bothered by the editing really. I recently just watched the original run for the first time and all through that I kept getting the feeling that it was a collection of stories, it was a complete grab bag who the episode would cut to next. That's why the back half of season 2 could be such a slog, so

Random thoughts:
I love that Jacoby is doing that Internet broadcast because of course he would be but I love even more that his shown audience includes Nadine and a stoned off his ass Jerry because again, of course they would
Also I know he has done some horrific things but I can't stop myself from calling the Evil

On the subject of the atmospherics vs. a liner story and analyzing the show I find they actually complement each other rather well, for me at least. I'm finding as I watch this season that the long moody scenes give me time to process the full potential of some of the latest plot reveals, like the scene at the

I was going to say Jet from Avatar is pretty brutal, but then I remembered Korra had both Tarrlok killing himself and his brother with an explosion AND the absolutely insane murder of the Earth Queen

I've been wondering that myself. I'm actually wondering if she even did it intentionally. Like even when Rose knew Greg she still doesn't entirely get organic life and all its rules, see; Baby Sour Cream, so I'm wondering if Lion was her first attempt to use her powers on something that was dead. Clearly since the

I've been mulling it over since yesterday and while "liked" would be a weird word for such a downer I think it was a good ending. The main reason being they kept focus on the main story, at least it did once you realize Woodhouse's murder wasn't the main story, or the kidnapping, or the sex workers, or even the

I have no idea what I just watched but I freaking loved it. I cannot wait for this series now.

Yeah I do agree, he is not that same man who left to go fight all those years ago.
Also yes to your second point in the practical sense though. It's like Adam Reed said about who Archer's father is. He's said he knows exactly who it is but that it will probably never make it on the show because no answer would be truly

Not that it's bad without it but was anyone else expecting Jack's father to speak and finally call Jack by his original name? Not that that would have added anything, I just think it would be neat , like after 50 years he finally hears his name from the only people who knew it. I don't know, I just thought maybe that

I absolutely loved this ending. I loved that it was only Aku wanting to gloat that brought everyone together at once. I loved that the armies gave us the callbacks that didn't fit in XCVII. I loved that Jack got through to Ashi through love as it fits with his growth and letting go of his anger but also accepting the