It does when within the first 30 seconds of the main characters being together one admits to it not mattering because it's not canon and then shooting a cannon that leaves a smoke trail spelling out "April Fools"
It does when within the first 30 seconds of the main characters being together one admits to it not mattering because it's not canon and then shooting a cannon that leaves a smoke trail spelling out "April Fools"
This show continues to be one of the most adorable things on the television, and yet never in a too much or so over the top that that becomes the joke way.
Also on a more personal note I really sympathized with Steven in this episode. I used to have a pretty bad habit of doing the same thing he did in this episode,…
This episode was an absolutely perfect way to end this "Steven Bomb." As satisfying as ending it on the two-parter yesterday would have been I'm glad we got an episode to just decompress from everything that happened yesterday. Yeah the flashbacks were a little too much with them premiering so close together but…
I think its because they've made an effort to make Steven, believe the best in people, like how he always tries to hang out with Lars or keep Amethyst and Pearl from fighting. I think that's a quality he gets from Rose, seeing the beauty in everything.
I think I get what you mean, so many shows or movies or anything have romantic subplots, just because that's what always happens. It's that kind of thing that made the love triangle in the first season of Korra drag those first episodes down a bit. Steven and Connie on the other hand are…I'm not exactly sure if…
"This isn't a productive area of discussion" in a Kissinger voice is always hilarious to me. I don't know why that hasn't been made into an easy pic to place in online like Scruffy's "Second"
HOLY CRAP I literally just now connected the fact that both series fuse characters through dancing too
Indeed, also probably a coincidence but I just realized that Ruby and Sapphire remind little of another duo from DBZ colored red and blue who attack together and the blue one has the power of speed *Cough*JeiceAndBurter*Cough*
Clearly I need to start watching Rebels as well
I was going to tell him something else but considering all his comments got modded I can't tell him this, but I have to say it to someone, and you're the one who engaged him the most:
Normally somebody like that would really piss me off, but I don't know If it's because I just loved this episode so much or what, but I…
And Onion…who never talks
Vegeta or Piccolo singing…anything really, while fighting would be amazing.
As someone who did that twice in the comments yesterday, yes. Yes it does
Honestly I'm not sure it's completely a technical point. I can't recall of the top of my head, but how often do the Gems, especially the home world ones, refer to each other by gender pronouns? It could be a subtle thing the writers are doing that Gems don't make gender distinctions and only the Crystal Gems learned…
That is the other one, yes.
That's assuming that just because one was able to produce a child, means they are always right about anything to do with said child, but that's neither here nor there, and this episode was awesome so let's keep this happy.
The way I see it is it's subtle enough that if for whatever backward reason parents don't want…
Let it be known, that in the second week of the third month in the year 2015 AD that the internet called it with 2 separate shows, and that's pretty awesome
HO LEE CRRAAAAAPPP! These episodes were awesome. I don't know what it is but I'm getting a Dragon Ball Z kind of feel for the Gem hierarchy, and I get the idea that Yellow Diamond is the Frieza of the series. It's like the writers are incorporating all of the good things about DBZ and similar series, the build up of…
I said this in another comment I made but I feel this needs to be acknowledged. THE MAYOR IS JOEL HODGSON FROM MST3K!