
I don't see why your picks/fantasy moves have to be in 3 days earlier, just for the one game no?

Fruit. fruit. Tits. tits.

I don't think Teti would have a problem with this. They are obviously embracing the popular American culture by poking fun at it. His anger is towards the people who try to ruin everyone else's fun by deriding the event needlessly with their comments, attitude, etc.

Read the article and greatly enjoyed it. Then I scrolled down and read some of the comments and now I'm aggravated and my mood is lowered. Why do I do it to myself!?

I have to agree with those saying Olyphant.

So is Nathan Fillion Harmon's real life same sex celebrity crush?

Completely agree. A 50-year drought across the board for all boston teams is required to remove the hate the rest of the country should have for them.

I reached a new-found respect level for Justin TImberlake when he trolled Buck at the MLB all-star game the other year.

I don't think you're foolin anyone with that white dress TT.

I guess this is an unpopular opinion around here, but I really enjoy the Moore-era Bonds. In general I've never really been a big fan of "camp" but for some reason with Bond and the 70s style of filmmaking it just works for me.

Yes, now I never need to get my finances in order again!

"For those at home, Will and Bob are stroking each other cocks right now."

More of a Conan parody than a Jay Leno knockoff I would say. He didn't even mention his wife Mavis.

Lillyhammer is the Netflix original no one seems to care about. Maybe it should change its name to Norway Is The New Sopranos.

I normally get angry when they don't do the games but I went into this one with the mindset that it wouldn't happen so I actually enjoyed this more than it seems most did here. Then again, Garlin is the one I find really intolerable so that absence helped things certainly. I though the wrinkle of adding lil wolverine

The troll number was the clunker of all clunkers imo, I can't remember hating a Disney song more. I found the lyrics uniformly bad throughout though. Anna has one line about not knowing if she's "happy or gassy" or something to that effect. Ugh…

Allow me Jesus. The slogans being meaningless is the joke, and I would hardly call 30 seconds out of an episode "padding." The game is also not padding, it is a segment of the show. Comedy podcasts are not "vacuous." You either enjoy a particular cast and it improves your day to listen to a new episode, or you do not

Dave Dameshek Football Program

Bingo Bango!

I laughed super hard at that cold open, especially at Scott's concern for his antique credenza. The reality check bit was a complete dud for me, but funny episode overall.