
Fun fact: this was the 2nd show in 3 days to feature a turkey being placed in a toilet.

Am I riding somewhere or going in circles?
In circles dude!

Even though Bert's laughing jags are no doubt obnoxious, for some reason he doesn't bother me as much as some of the other irritating guests. I feel like he at least acknowledges what he is doing and is somewhat apologetic even if he can't help himself, unlike Holmes, who just doesn't care about steamrolling everyone,

Sal's "drunken Simmons voicemails" are consistently one of my podcast highlights of the week.

This is sarcasm!

I feel like its pretty generous to refer to Bad Teacher as a "hit"

Touchd… (drops basketball)

The ending was just terrible and I hated it even more because I actually thought the scene with Haley and the boys singing was pretty funny. They should have left it as a throwaway sort of joke, not tried to tie everything together at the end sappily.

Maybe I was just in a good mood or maybe my estimation of the show has just fallen that low, but I thought this was the funniest episode in a while. I agree that I couldn't decide if the bird jokes were funny or not.

"How often do you groom your cat?"

Agreed. That whole conversation was very Seinfeldian.

Luckily I have not abused my eyeballs with either of those.

Is J Edgar played by Betty's brother from Mad Men? If not where do I know him from?

Big episode for Sonya- she finally got to deploy that glass of water successfully!

Suit yourself, but you are skipping Sal's hilarious "voicemails" from Bill about Russell Wilson's sexiness, etc.

I don't wanna point fingers at whoever wrote this ep, but that joke is straight out of the old Carolla/Dr. Drew Loveline show.

I think the question was directed at Dirty Randy

Spoiler alert: he's pumped that the Wizards signed John Wall to a contract extension

Their anger at his constant local reference-dropping was my favorite.

I don't know, the lieutenant stated pretty explicitly that he was never going to be seen again.