
Best overshadowed line of the night was Jaime saying that Maester tried to touch him.

Its all just a part of Stannis' Hammer and Onion tactics.

"Can you show me on the doll where the whore touched you? Wait, a little slower…"

But Ramsay and Reek weren't even in this episode

Brienne, all you need to know about your squire is he has two talents available, and both involve sticking people with the longsword.

"I bet his hair was greasier than Joffrey's c*nt." Just keep knocking em out of the park Sandor

So Ghost really let himself get captured by these NW degenerates? Jon is going to have to give him a talking to when he shows up…

I think Ser Boner reported for Kingsguard tonight duty as well.

Maybe Fred Willard is banned from Australia after they found out about his theater antics.

I just don't see it that way at all. It may be from his own perspective, but its pretty clear he's a much better person than his reputation within the kingdom. Also, he didn't have much of a chance to turn out "good" with who his father is, losing his mother at a young age, his sister he loves being a sociopath, being

He may not be a good person, but all of the other bad things we've seen him do were somewhat defensible (ultimately he attempted to kill Bran to save his "family"). That's why this scene was so frustrating because there is no excuse for it and it really derails the character's path to redemption, which I am pretty

"So Tommy boy- your brother and your dad were some dumb muthafuckas, don't be like them."

Good to see you're leaving no stone unturned with the comebacks.

I think OB may be the only show on tv that Oswalt hasn't guest-starred on at this point.

I enjoyed everyone almost equally this episode, but Winston's facial expressions still got me the hardest, from the delight over Jess dressing as Furguson to trying to piece together what was going on when his "honey" roast starting going south.

Hopefully Tammy doesn't get bird flu-kakke.

Also Rickon cracks a mean walnut

If I was Balon Greyjoy I would seriously avoid attending any weddings in the foreseeable future.

So was the Devil really trying to hang himself, or was he just running the long con on Summer?

I liked the quick scene of Raylan and Alison discovering each other's beat up faces. Smart and Olyphant have pretty solid chemistry comedically.