
Shut up Kyle!

Does anyone else think Heinz guy looks like an older Jason Sudeikis?

Did it seem to anyone else like Howard was legitimately asking Natasha out when he said they should go see (whatever movie) on WC? Normally he never has any interest in seeing movies…

The Tickler must have just watched 2 Fast 2 Furious.

Melisandre's baby daddy was Casper the unfriendly ghost.

Yeah, the latter episode was much funnier (also, I will be interested to check out that movie for obvious reasons).

Definitely not a coincidence…the actor did it literally right after it happened at the Oscars when he won

I could listen to Alison Brie do a faux-British accent for literal days.

Not surprising Don and Megan couldn't remember Ken's wife's name, her world is secret after all…

The guy who killed Lommy was Raff the Sweetling wasn't it?

So…after Joe got fired from Sewage for sending out dick pics he somehow got brain damaged and vampirized and now works at a carnival?

He did show good restraint going for just one, I would've had a hard time. Pun intended.

"That wasn't even the first stabbing this month"

The whole scene w/ Winona was basically just pregs-position

Tyrion's movin on up to Kings Landing
To a Tower of the Hand in the sky
He's movin on up with his friend Bronn
He finally got a piece of fish pie…

Why is Yoren even bringing the 3 captives to the Wall? Does he really think Rorge is not going to just start raping everyone, Biter's not going to just start eating everyone, and Ja'quen's not gonna just talk in the 3rd person and disappear?

Looks like we will all be invited to a certain wedding…

Then he is definitely in the remedial program with the results he's getting.

I'm gonna start saying this after every awkward moment.

PFT was on Carolla this week, which I believe means he has now done literally every podcast in existence.