
What, have you forgotten about her cheekbones?

Whoops meant to post this on Experts…

My one complaint is they didn't make Tommen chubby enough.

My one complaint is that they didn't make Tommen fat enough.

Yeah, I did not have high expectations going in and I found it to be very entertaining

"That's why you get the big bucks!"

Normally I enjoy Pierce and Shirley the least but I found them both hilarious in this ep, especially the way the latter was saying "Brit-tah"

If someone asks if I already have someone in mind to win an Emmy, I'm gonna hafta say "his initials are Walton Goggins…"

"My favorite new character is Don's secretary"

"Lets try that again and pretend you guys aren't weird…"

I'm gonna say he somewhat deserves it for faking being paralyzed the last time.

I also enjoyed Raylan's annoyance with the nurse.

I think Dewey is more comic relief than antagonist.

"Where does Gollum eat?"

For two smart ladies, Liz and Kaylie are pretty hopeless when it comes to quickly formulating names for imaginary people.

You're thinking of "my name is my name."

Hasn't Quarles learned that you never get high on your own supply?

Don't use logic to discount my point!

I thought Winston took the license plate so he could just leave the car there and not be responsible for it (rather than taking it as a souvenir).

I am not here to declare a winner but… Perd Hapley is the winner.