
I don't think it was Lisa thinking Tessa was crazy, it was the fact that it was obvious to her Tessa needed the teacher's approval cuz her mom left, but Tessa herself was oblivious to this fact

I'm pretty sure Luke said "it smells like puke and poop got married and had a ceremony in my nose." Also, you should probably reconfigure your rewinding/listening skills.

The ep was about 6-8 minutes shorter than normal by my estimation. Also, I thought that was a motel room Raylan used to live in wasn't it?

Yeah, I thought Holmes was one of the worst guests yet on WC?. I still think Kremer is one of the most consistently hilarious hosts despite the vegetarian stuff.

I think Doug Benson has adopted them since he will never have children of his own.

I disagree, this show's dialogue is pretty tongue-in-cheek. Movies like Juno try to pass it off as if its realistic.

Wasn't the Luke hates Lily thing already a running gag? I don't think it just started with the last episode…


Loved Frank's assessment of his children. "Ian is a real ladies man." "Debbie is running some kind of school…"

How does that Sgt. have time to recruit Lip for West Point when Harlan has so much crime he's supposed to be sheriffing?

Her nickname should be the "Ageless Wonder"

That CBB ep was recorded before Glass came out on WTF, that's why.

I see it cappa

Has anyone actually ever gotten their house fumigated or does that only happen on sitcoms?

Luke is killing it this season, he even salvaged the well-worn dress in drag bit.

We need a Hot Saucerman cameo with him next time.