Tweek Tweak

"Sometimes, you gotta go forward by going backward. Are we driving cars… or are cars driving us?"
I kept hoping for a DiCaprio's cameo, with him being just like Nathan but getting angry at McConaughey, but that never happened. And I guess it wouldn't have been THAT great. Or even good.

If she dies, I'd be REALLY jealous of those zombies.

Wow. Yeah, not only that, but Stan's overall confusion with the whole gender thing was sweet too. I don't recall an episode of South Park in recent memory that gave so many different emotions.

I can't wait for her reaction to this. I'm almost sure it's going to be positive - her songs were carefully crafted and apart from the bizarre situation she was used here, it's South Park's lighter (and best) celebrity riff in years.

"Help me unload the car, Randy!"
"Help me unload the c-c-car… help me unload the caar ya ya ya unload ya ya"

I still dream with the day we get an official release of "Let's Make Bullying Kill Itself" just for Butters awesome bridge.

I was surprised how deep South Park went with this episode. Yeah, we got a lot of fart/poop jokes through and through, but Stan's confusion really was the best part of the episode; humane and spot-on. It still had room for improvement, maybe with a little more time it could have turned into something even more special.

I didn't knew Chris Carrabba was in this show.

I'll never get enough of Wendy, she's awesome.
About Stan: since that episode, he started to act a little bit more like Randy, which, while I wouldn't say it's complex character progression and stuff, it's still nice to see Matt and Trey going into that direction.

No Professor Chaos last season, it's about time for a comeback!

We got the "if I hear another person talk about about being gluten free I'm gonna piss in their face" line from him, though.

Also, Butters burned down the gym and was absent for the entire episode. They blamed it on the gluten here, but maybe next episode will pick this up? I SMELL CONTINUITY!

"I'm pretty sure Scott Malkinson still has diabetes"
*focus on Scott*
"That is correct."

Not the best episode, but it was far from being dull. I had a silly grin on my face during the whole thing.
Cartman's hysteric phone calls, Randy/Lorde and the return of Garrison did it for me.

I watched the crossover sober.
It was a mistake, but I've already realized that.

I thought that while not bad, it was very disappointing. The beginning of the episode felt like a return to that "just the boys fucking around" side I miss in South Park so much, but… the humor got thinner and thinner as the minutes went by.

"Oh, Common Life" didn't grab my attention at first, but after some spins it's definitively one of the best releases of the year. Or maybe just "best lines of the year", I don't know. The Only Thing That Haunts This House Is Me just kills it!

I don't think it can get more personal or better than Wonder Year's last album, but I'm still pretty excited for the record. A breath of fresh air is something Soupy needs and the results just gotta be awesome.

Kate is sooooo badass. Jack's surprised expression after she drugged herself was awesome too.

I don't even remember his cameo. Phoebe's love interests were one of my least favorite aspects of the show.