Tweek Tweak

No, no, NO! Actually, the "I Hate Rachel Club" had an exchange student from Thailand as the third member! He probably didn't knew what it was about, but…

The episodes only premiered today here in Brazil and I've got to say, they were pretty decent, full of memorable moments, from Jack's silence to the drone attack (although it was kinda silly).
But I think my favorite part came from the second episode. The president's speech was getting very personal and effective and

Thank God the show is back! I miss Bauer's shouts, and I need them, like, NOW!!

Only watched the episode today, they really set things up really good for the season finale.
Favorite bit: Norman's facial expression while he threw away the sandwich and tried to run away from Ford's goons. I kinda wished he succeeded, but it would have been too easy.
Not so sure about the Emma subplot, it just seemed

I didn't found it sleepy, only boring. Maybe it was because I was expecting too much after hearing the title track and "Lonely Press Play" (and reading some very positive reviews about the album), but apart from the tracks mentioned before and "The Selfish Giant" there isn't much to dig in. DAMN YOU, HYPE!

I just came for a bunch of one liners and Adam's facial expressions. Left satisfied (rats aside)

C'mon, what a lazy title. "She Bangs the Drums" would do it.

Actually, no. Her arc in season 3 was she taking control of the Asian mafia, which was pretty funny and interesting all the way through. I think they wrote her off of the show because there wasn't anything else left to do with her, story-wise. Or maybe Jessica Lu had other plans, 'cause she's a very talented actress.

No more Jessica Lu/Ming? AW FUCK THIS SHIT

No matter how bad a Simpsons episode may be, Milhouse is always there to drops two or three lines that (almost) saves the episode. Unfortunately, he alone wasn't enough to save this one.

As a kid when the episode came out, I couldn't help but find it genius. I probably said something ridiculous like "Mom, Dad, the Simpsons went to our country! We're something now!".

If this episode makes my grandma throw a fit like she did after watching "Blame It On Lisa" (yeah, she's a very proud Brazilian and got offended, believe it or not), it's fine by me. Homer as referee doesn't sound that bad at all… and I'm a sucker for easy Brazil jokes.

I know that Fat Mike can get annoying sometimes, but, shit, he's my fucking hero.

Didn't watch this episode yet, but the season so far has been very disappointing. I live in Brazil and I have to download the episodes, and lately I don't even bother doing it. It's a shame, because last season was full of really great episodes.

These guys make my life looks a little bit better. Or something like that. Thank God this show is back!

You guys won't continue with the Workaholics coverage?? AW FUCK THIS SITE

Will William Shatner be on this one too??

A-ha! No, seriously - I'll give this an A.

Like the last three episodes, this was one that could have easily been in any of the show's best seasons. Mackey and Butters were freaking awesome, and I liked Cartman wanting to make fun of Lisa Berger because she was ugly, evading the fat jokes and protecting his ego.
Also, Tweek had a cameo!

Val's apartment was the best. I can imagine myself living in place like that a few years from now, actually (but without a serial killer, I hope).