Tweek Tweak

Wait, I may be gay now?! This is WAY too much pressure!! GAH!

Biggest laugh for me was when the Garrison's supporters were shouting "USA! USA!" while Garrison was making his way through the Niagara Falls… and then Garrison falls out of the barrel and their reaction is summed by Jimbo: "awwwwyy, dead!".
While I really enjoyed the premiere, this one got me laughing more frequently.

Okay, Internet, that was indeed a great job, now stop consuming my free time!

What really sold the "evil twin" plot twist on Ducktective for me was the fact the evil twin was sporting a goatee. You can't be called an evil twin/clone without a goatee!

Not a huge fan of the Redskins episode and this one was messy even for my tastes, but it's true. Best season in years.
I don't remember having this so much fun with the show since season 11 and/or 15.

I caught a "Smashing Pumpkins were better" and the username was probably meant to be Courtney Love. Priceless.

I enjoyed this episode a lot more on a second viewing, to be honest.
At first, it was like the best moments from previous episodes
without any improvement, but man, it's pretty hard to dislike an episode
with a hologram of Kurt Cobain, Iggy Azalea's singing butt and
an infinite supply of black guy jokes, even with so

Cartman: "Butters will back me up at anything, he's such a bitch".
Butters: "*laughs* Yeah!"

I miss having friends/co-workers. I'd spend the rest of the week just doing "5 dorrah?! 10 dorrah?!" exchanges… *sigh*

Yeah, one thing that kept me from giving this one an A was the costumer service joke, which didn't really worked for me, but maybe because they already did it something similar with the "Insecurity" episode.

I don't understand how an episode with Butters punching his dad in the balls receives a C+. Don't "humor is subjective" me. This one was fucking gold.

"Stray Observations? No, fuck you!"
The kid who played Butters is going to be a real PIMP with the girls now, if you know what I'm saying.

Every time I think I can no longer find jokes about Canada to be funny, something like "Canada is back to being an ethical and respected shitty tundra" pops up.
Thank you, South Park.

Matt and Trey never made a joke about the fact people keep mixing Craig with Clyde? Such a common mistake. Guess it's the similar voice acting.

Let Go Let Gov is currently my least favorite South Park episode. Worst season premiere in eighteen years.

I thought the previous episodes were better, but this one was decent. Clever, even without many laugh-out-loud moments.

Kept waiting for Craig's mom to beat everyone up, but South Park let the bastards get away with it. She was so fucking pissed, I was rooting for her.
The song at the end of the episode was amusing, though. And Jimmy and his stand-up comedy is always a blast to see.

I agree on Season 12 being the show's weakest. Too many movie parodies and Super Fun Time and Eek, a Penis! are just plain awful. Plus, I don't think any episode from this particular season would've been in my "Top 20 Favorite South Park Episodes".

This review was OK. I can live with this episode getting a C+ even though I really liked it. The IGN review, however…

I enjoyed all four episodes so far (the first one was the only I thought it was just "decent"). Humor is subjective and stuff, but just browsing through the comments ("The Cissy" in particular), it's enough to realize almost everyone here is really digging this season as well.