Tweek Tweak

But wasn't Craig the one in the Peruvian band?

The scene were the boys walk through the shopping was great on it's own, but the Stop Touching Me Elmo line was the icing on the (very bloody) cake.

Maybe I'm a sucker for anything involving road trips and rubbing stomachs, but this was a totally A episode.

Very strong episode. Jake really rose up to the spotlight again, I remembered why I like him so much in the first place. Ming and the Asian Mafia plus the touching last scene equals an A.

Only catched up with the show today, and I loved both episodes. Kyle is just so freaking weird, the "fake blood" gag was perfect for the character (the sound FX that plays when he does something odd never fails to make me laugh).

I'll go with a full A. Best episode since the pilot in my opinion.

Yep, maybe I mixed things up. Probably because they already did a pretty similar reference to the Invasion of The Body Snatchers in the Britney Spears episode.

I was going to give this a B+ but the Invasion of The Body Snatchers reference at the end bumps things up to A-.

Kenny as an anime princess. My life is finally complete.

So many childhood memories… I remember having this on VHS and watching more than three times a day when I was a kid. Millhouse was my hero back the— nah, fuck this, he still is.

Julie in a Catwoman outfit, enough said.

"Raising the Bar" last season for me it's one of the best episodes the show has ever done, and it was also one that worked on it's own, without having to exactly know what Honey Boo Boo (one of the main parodies of the episode) was about.
This one was a similar episode - the GoT references didn't slow down the pace,

For me, it's already two great episodes in a row - but this one I thought it was a little bit more focused, even if the combination of the A-plot and B-plot came out of thin air (ha!). Skinner was awesome this week, from the his fainting in the PTA to the callback of his fight in Vietnam, with the highlight being the

Yeah, from this (amazing) first season, "Simon" is the episode I enjoyed the least, but it is still a solid B in my book. The only thing I can tell you guys is that it will get better and better from now on - episode three and four were my favorites of the show until now.

Maybe I'm just easy to please. But I stand my ground on the Van Halen gag. It wasn't just the religious symbols = VH logo, this is the kind of twist you would expect from South Park, but the combination of that and the random real footage blending with the music, that hit close to home. ALABAMA MAN!

YEAH! He is still my favorite South Park kid (kind obvious, right?) and it never hurts having him around, like the good old times in season six. I think he got a cameo in "Informative Murder Porn", but nothing out of ordinary.

I partly agree with you - I found this episode way better than last week, to the point at laughing more in tonight 22 minutes than with the rest of the season so far together - but you're so right about Cartman. Apart from this one, the last ten or so episodes with the focus on Cartman were boring, with the show

The Van Halen bit plus the real life footage was worth this entire so-so season. F*ck, first time I laughed until crying with the show this year. Kyle as the Hebrew translator was also gold.
I don't know, it still lacked something (underused Kenny again) and I'm sick of all the "shoots himself in the head" jokes, but

Best episode of the second half of the season in my opinion. Everything clicked, all storylines had their moments, I didn't hate Collin for the first time ever and this new direction Jenna is choosing really is going to spice things up.

Great but disjointed episode - the Kyle plot went nowhere and Cornelia's husband is an uninteresting actor, dear God. On the plus side, Denis O'Hare is creepy as f*ck and the zombies were a nice touch. Let's see if this premise holds up.