Tweek Tweak


I think only Adam was supposed to have a cameo on Community, but I didn't watched this last season, so…

I thought this one was really solid, full of small jokes and one-liners. Apart from Marge and Homer regrets, I was laughing all the way through. Also, the Chip guy was the Duffman 1992-96 and 2008 AND helped the town clean the Dome shards from the movie. I know it doesn't count as an appearance, but it was a fun

Maybe it's because I live in Brasil so a great part of what I watch has subtitles on, but I don't really get all this hate subtitles get.

Really liked this one. Never listened to Mogwai before (instrumental music isn't my cup of tea), but it was the best part of the pilot.

Ike's drawing of Kyle with a dick on his head was probably the only laugh the episode got from me. The rest of it was, well, pretty baaaad, mmkay.

I know, lately in the season Jenna grew more and more dislikeable, and you're right about she's being the one who is/was cheating, but problem is, I just can't stand him. Maybe he reminds me too much of some ex-girlfriend boyfriend, but probably it was his "you're 16, you're allowed to make mistakes" response to Jenna

Still need to watch this, but only seeing Collin's bleeding nose is worth an A in my book. I hate the bastard so much.

Tyreese scene lacked a little bit of spark… I was looking forward to it, but it never reached it's fully potential. Carol was the best part of tonight episode. The evolution she's having in the series is terrific! Not including Daryl, she's probably my favorite character in the show (RIP T-Dog)

Minotaur sex? At the end it felt like minotaur rape. Weirdest scene so far in the season, I think.

I thought it was okay. The goth intro, Sunny Day Real Estate reference (yep, I'm a fan) and the lack of any topical event in the story made it a solid B for me. It felt different and more focused than "Million Little Fibers", the other episode without the main cast. Not so sure about the next episode (I think the last

I'd love a Wendy cameo. It could be easily the first scene of the show - Saul helping her out off some prostitute related problem.

It's kinda weird that a blackout occurs when they're producing a Goth Kids episode. Initially, I thought it was a related joke and the episode would air anyway.