
I would like to again appreciate Cookie Monster's schtick because he's a gimmick poster who isn't all 'LOOKAME! DOIN' MA JOKES!!!'

Yes. Agreed. Fucking gorgeously shot. I loved the whole 'this society is more fucked than even the most perceptive of you realise'. Also man, everyone in the screening I saw laughed when the [SPOILER A BIT] Doctor was berrating the midwife about being disgusted by her. I don't think we SHOULD have been laughing but I


Wolves in the throne room have earned the wolf.

Shame on a hipster who try to run game on a hipster.

Yankee Deer - if you don't get a twinge out of 'All My Friends' or 'Someone Great' then you have known neither love nor friendship. Sorry, man.

The title track was the only one of theirs' I ever really liked. But I was in ATD-I ARE THE SAVIOURS OF MUSIC phase so that's most likely why I liked it. Regardless it's a hell of a song, even if the lyrics in the verses are a bit silly. Yes indeed, modern society's attitude to psychiatric medication can be troubling,

So says Mr. Stewart - in what universe is 'Adrenaline' a better record than 'White Pony"????

He's stumping for the smiling robot running for PM? That's a shame. I like how he refers to Blair/Brown Labour as socialists. Maybe he's being old fashioned but that party is now about as socialist as a bank.

"The Australians fight because the English or Americans don't really feel like that Operation Cannon Fodder, thankyouverymuch."

I'd be happier if they'd just made "Clocks" and called it a day forever. That's a pretty great song.

I'd seen some of the other "… Shreds" videos but that was brutally hilarious. I still haven't finished watching it because preventing myself from laughing loudly at work is making me tear up.

No, no WolfmansRazor, In Re (INRI?) clearly states there is only one way to make a film and that is with the explicit purpose of telling a story about the internal lives of charaters and never about using the language of film to explore abstract concepts or political viewpoints. So look, any more of this 'people make

More Moron Mormon Mermen

Oh yeah man, every famous individual's twitter is written by them and them alone.

Repossesion (of private jet)

I think Alcest could do with heavying up a bit - no problem with the melodic riffs but there's a bit of a lack of density on the new song. I dug their previous release but it did suffer a bit from late period Jesu disease - to much pretty with not enough ugly. Anyway still pretty cool and I'll most likely pick up the

Foo Fighters
Easy one for me. I thought the Foo Fighters self-titled was like, the best album of the 90s, man. Then the Color and the Shape was pretty good. Then it was a fucking luge course of disappointment amid AIDS denials, boring Apple Pie Punk guitarists and the triumverate of melody free 'hard

Once South Park just became an extended campaign advertisment for Trey & Matt's eventual Senate runs for the Libertarian Party was when I got bored.

'A lard rune'.