
The English Language owes you a great debt.

A valuable contribution to the debate!

Because this obituary was about all the stuff Jobs did? Some of it super-awesome, some of it kinda crappy. So um, let's talk about the crappy stuff too I people want to?

It is sad that an intersting and influential man who fought to bring a lot of nice technology into the world, some of it of his own design, has died at a young age of an awful disease. But if we are going to discuss his work and his legacy, as this obituary does, it's ok if people think he did some bad stuff!

I prefer 'some fucked up snake's got a buncha heads'

"Thank you. I love you."

*sigh* obviously that should read "i live in another country".

No, I don't even live in another country and don't write reviews for anything for a living. Let's also not have the 'subjectivity/objectivity' debate about music taste, it's tired and exhausting. Pitchfork writers take positions on records yes, but so do AVClub writers? I happen to respect the opinions of writers for

Wow, did you guys put in an FOI application for Pitchfork's 'mandatory editorial policy'? Because it sounds like you actually know what directives are given to each and every writer of the site! Wish I could see their strategic planning document where they developed their response to any new Strokes record!

Man I love how "YOU HAVE A CHOICE" douchebags are all like "precious precious reason is never affected by things like emotion or context or anything". Tell you what, I will take a vindaloo-curry-shit right in your mouth and it's your choice not to vomit.

Hyperdrive was depressing-bad.

You've gotta watch Jam for some brilliant Heap performances (and great performances from everyone - Julia Davis, Amanda Bullmer, Kevin Eldon). The woodchipper farewell video will remain in my mind forever.

I'm glad that we still worship Zeus and the Pantheon so we can understand the Illiad!

Y'alls gotta drink y'all some Yebisu Black. Really tasty malty beer with hints of chocolate. Not really drink-to-get-drunk kind of beer though.


Can we form a rehabilitation of the career of the Deftones committee? I'm not asking to be chair or anything.

I will join this here pity party and admit I was a Korn fan (gave up on Limp Bizkit when the second one came out).

How was babby deprived of blanket?

I feel similarly bummed out. Metal Box! And that feature on Miles Davis was so good to.

They acted with no equivocation within a seven hour window. I think that's pretty fucking rigorous.