
I think "Alcest is the heaviest post-rock band ever" isn't a bad description (but I'd argue 'Like Herod' is louder than pretty much any metal band). The second most recent album was preeeeeetty wimpy for a band described as 'black metal'. It was a good record but maybe TOO melodic. The new one however gets the balance

@Too lazy to log in - that's a pretty awesome summary of two bands and a bunch of other stuff right there.

Totally the same experience for me. Me and my friend were so super-psyched for the record. I remember downloading one track from Audio Galaxy or something and thinking it was pretty neat. Then the album hit and it was like "This is… awes… pretty g… not the wor… uh… kinda awful."

Agreed with everyone praising this column. I wish there were more of these essay-style pieces on places like AVC and Pitchfork andwhathaveyou. A bit of a shame that pop-culture criticism websites seem to foist 500 word limits on everything. I keep reading AVC authors apologising for columns starting to get to long,

You were SEVEN in 1996?

Agreed more.

Once we found a disgarded copy of 'The Joys of Sex' in the bush (this is what Australians call wooded areas that are not forrests) behind our primary school. We turned the pages with a stick and were confused. We also found a bunch of porn in a dumpster near our outdoor basketball court (why was someone looking in the

PS3 . It could just be that I suck at MW though. I do feel a lot slower at acquiring targets (if you'll pardon the use of the term) both in sights and hipfire than better players and MW has always been much faster paced.

Only a few beefs (beaves?) with MW - it just does not look as pretty as things done by DICE. Goddamn the orange glow of rocket bursts in MoH are impressive. Everything seems really flat and pixely in MW somehow, grainer, dirtier. But hey, mechanically my only complaint is that I don't play enough to be good enough to

@ Staff Sergeant Max Fightmaster yeah hipfiring works great in BFBC2. Pretty much the only reason I ever get high scores in that game is because I got good at hipfiring LMGs and ARs and thus beat dudes taking the extra 1/2 second to aim down the sights. I cannot for the life of me get kills in MW2 more than maybe 1 in

I did mean Black Ops.

Multiplayer - Looks better and is a bit easier - you less frequently get stabbed to death by a 14 year old as you round a corner before you even have a chance to hit the trigger, for ecample. MW multiplayer has more 'stuff' in it and holds peoples' attention longer than MoH will, even if it's only to just once get to

The Multiplayer is Surprisingly Good
The maps are actually at a nice sweetspot size-wise. I love the massive maps in Battlefield but some of the terrain and buildings is necessarily less detailed as a result. COD maps have always been too small making being a sniper irritatingly hard for example. So they have medium

Medal of Honour
Man, that Linkin Park song plays over the MoH end credits and it took me exactly three seconds to realise it was Linkin Park. That said… the song… doesn't make me angry.

Oooh, where's Austrailia???

Man, I am genuinely surprised people hate Hollaback Girl. The frigging horn sample??

Motherfucker, I know how to use o I was just too lazy.

Is that pain in my side the old gotterdamerung acting up?

So what you're really saying is Charles Dickens is responsible for 'I'm a Celebrity, Get me out of here.'

Gorecki's 'Symphony of Sorrowfull Songs' has lots of dust in the eye moments if I'm in the right (wrong?) mood. Especially the bit after the soprano first sings and the end of her note segues into the massive kick-in of the cellos and basses. Godspeed songs of course do similar things (cause Godpeed songs are pretty