
Cheegi it!

And in answer to Mr Blake - "No, you are a loony."

What did they give Ishtar? Because I saw it recently and the only review I could imagine is "DON'T EVER WATCH ISHTAR."

"I hung out with Shelley Duvall, last week, over at the YMCA, she was selling hand jobs for crack. Funny thing, she still looks as good as she did in Popeye, by which I mean horribly unattractive and scary."

Character's orange tabby jumps on an upright piano, killer grabs cat and snaps its neck. Killer says "Play THAT off." Audience applauds.

Good point on 'Pattern Against User'. The first 4 or so songs from that record are so relentless.

Great point on 'long as I can see the light' but its on that ubiquitous best of all of our Dads own so it's not like it's totally overlooked. I have no idea if it was a big single or not but 'Someday Never Comes' is their best song imho.

The Band The Band's album 'The Band'.

Of all the nu-metal bands I was into, Limp Bizkit were the first I became disillusioned with. I owned '3 dollar bill. y'all' and didn't rabidly love all of it but I certainly rollerbladed (!) with at least a few of the tracks rocking in my headphones (hedfonez?). Anyway when Nookie came out it was like "oh, well I'll

I think also maybe Juanito is involved with the military? I can't be totally sure.

Say what you will about political correctness, that biscuit powder got the fucking job DONE.

The episode of Degrassi where that one dude shoots himself in the toilets and the other dude finds him and gets traumatised because half of his face is missing (the dude who shot himself, duh) and that's all I remember!

Um, Catholicism doesn't exactly have a great reputation for preventing people from having sex.

Lowe and behold, these are tRobled times for Brothers & Sisters.

Non-Australians should stay the fuck away from the Living End and should view the Whitlams with mild contempt. Seriously 'Lovecraft in Brooklyn', the Living End???

I hate that New Radicals song so deeply. If you have some kind of continuum which starts with say Mudhoney, it will end with that fucking song after going past Bush, the first half of Everclear's career, the entire canon of mainstream whiny guyliner emo, the second half of Everclear's career and Nickelback. It is the

Apache? Sioux? I bet it was them lillylivered Sioux.

A friend of mine ordered a Durian shake at a Vietnamese restaurant once. It tasted like if you made a shake with watery pineapple juice and garlic sauteed mushrooms.

You gringos have it good, here in Australia a new paperback will set you back $20-25 and a hardback has been known to creep into the $40 range. The $AUD is currently trading at $US 0.90.

"You there boy! What day is it?"