
Good friggin' point. I wish he would show up.

He's no Michael Baye.

That's fascinating, please tell me which other bands exist and which are wholly imaginary.

Why don't we do it in the Road featuring Charlize Theron.

The jury finds the defendent Incredibly guilty… OF BEING INFORMATIVE!!

Hey suck a butt, Skerv, 'Funny Ha Ha' is great even if 'Mutual Appreciation' is significantly better.

Chris Morris is pretty much the best satirist in history.

Eels up inside ya'! Findin' an entrance where they can!

I loved the Fountain. I felt very much alone in a crowd of people who very much did not like the Fountain.

I sorta feel the same way. It was a super important movie when I saw it during the teenage 'SERIOUS ARTTTTT!!!' phase but susequent viewings and thoughts about it really do cast it as trying too hard. It still is a pretty good film but kinda spoils itself. It's like eating too much rich food.

I believe it is referred to in the industry as 'suspension of disbelief'.

Collette's Band
I saw her band play in my Australian city several years ago and it was a decidedly odd experience. The band were tolerably average and she can actually sing. So weird though that this internationally known actor was in a c-list pop band playing at a small venue in my hometown.

It does seem a bit "look at how big your guns get to be!!!'. I always thought the strength of the first one was making you feel vulnerable even when you had level three plasmids because there was always a big daddy to shoot rivets through your face. That and the weirdly emotionally effecting nature of it. Finally

I'm very glad that you know the history of this record label. It has an ironic name in the circumstances don't you think? Hope you've had a great day on the internet today.

Look at all your diff'rent coloured hatthsss!!

"Maybe they can use CGI to restore his burt penis."

New album out now on Huge Overinvestment in Flawed Concept Album that will Destroy the Business Records (US) and Gonna Be Bought Out by a Major Next Month Records (UK).

Sometime big important celebrity publicists only schedule so much time for interviews so publications like the AVClub (wonderful but nonetheless a smallish sized media fish) don't get a huge chunk.

God it must be so hard either being a rabid hipster or rabid anti-hipster. Every piece of pop culture you have to sit down with your 30 page questionnaire and after that do the statistical analysis of the answers and then publish the results in a peer-reviewed journal before you can decide if its ok to like something.

Multi-faceted stealth firstie.