
"The Fire in Our Throats will Beckon the Thaw" is great, a step up from Australiasia that they've never really matched again.

Unless its the 'Guerilla Radio', in which case you should turn the volume of that excrement to a higher level than that to which it is currently set. If you already have Guerilla Radio on full volume consider purchasing aditional amplification devices. Also, ensure the operating environment of the radio is not lit by


"also, that guy's name is Weiner."

5 Stars.

What, no Necrobutcher reference?

Or Pepsi and it's not quite as good as Planet Coke.

Seeing the Carter III cover just made me want to applaud. It's really the only logical response to the first time you see it.

Tibber - USBM is getting pretty big as a loose scene. As far as WITTR go, I think there almost more authentically predisposed to crazy pagan black metal than teenagers living in Oslo.

AC-130 and a fenced field with about 2,000 wolves.

Look at all your different coloured haaaamthhs!

Man, I was a total Deftones fanboy in my teen years. I shook Steph Carpenter's hand once and did some lame douchey kid thing like thanking him for his music omg omg. Anyway, White Pony was amazing when I heard it. It was one of those great moments when you feel like your favourite band's just won the superbowl,

Saying sunn0))) are boring without seeing them live is like concluding a roller-coaster is boring after looking at 10 pictures of people riding a roller-coaster. Seeing them play was 2 hours of fucking joyous cathartic punishment - no-one can deny that Atilla (of MAYHEM) screaming and cackling in a in a fucking black

I tried to sign up back when Pitchfork switched to it and again when the AVClub did and it wouldn't let me citing my non-americaness (also Australian) as the reason. I sorta feel like I shouldn't have to google a (presumably less than ethical) solution to something other people get for free just because of where they

It's always better to tell people they're retards when you know how to do something they can't instead of letting them in on it, right? What community spirit we have!

I think the point is pure, unchecked capitalism tends to lead people down a path to squeeze everything to breaking point in order to maximise profits. In the food industry, this ideology has meant that food production emphasises volume over - quality, animal welfare, sustainablility, workplace fairness etc. More food

TWFSM - I'm not sure we read the same article? I found what JSF had to say pretty persuasive (even if its something I'd mostly already heard). I especially like the non-black and white way which he advocates making a change. With most political vegetarians/vegans there is a line and people on the other side are

Another not-american here - the Lala button to us is like if you had someone repeatedly stand just off to the left of your sight eating icecream and saying 'man, if only you were born in the same country as me you could have some of this man. Mmmmm sooooo goood, I'm givin' this shit to all my bros for free.'' and then

575 4 life.
