
"the end of the world
Danny Glover… thus saddled
[M]onoliths… topple[.]"

I just don't see where Emmerich can go from here. Can you blow up explosions?

How about you just write another fiction book, Foer?? It's been, what, 4 years? How about you do that first?

1. Omar
2. Bodie
3. Carver

I can't believe everyone is still swallowing that dick rumour.

The lyric in the Soul Coughing song 'move aside, let the man go through' sounded like 'move aside, let the mango through.' And that is all I have to contribute.

I still didn't know what you did last summer.

SPG, I'd like to comment you on your userpic and title and presumably your rich scots brogue.

The pages
How slender were the pages? What are we talking 10cm of width? 5 cm?

@ Uaefraic - ha! Nice work! What a total colloquial term for cigarettes in Britain he is.

Michael Ironside - appropriately named dude or MOST appropriately named dude?

Clearly you are not familiar with dismemberment.

I love KSR but that book, oddly enough for a story that is completely different to the last several 100 years of human history, is probably his most human and least ideasey. I mean don't get me wrong, I genuinely enjoyed the Mars behemoth and his Orange County books but TYORAS was the one that triggered the most

Well for one its a really good way to intellectually test ideas about actual history. In my view (and its slightly valid because I did a degree in history some time ago) and in the view of some historiographers history is all about ideas and continuities - ie the process by which currents of thought (political,

I don't think Roth was really making an attempt to write AH. I think he was using it like another author might use a small town or an actual historical event - its a place with sufficient reality rules to help explore 'themes of humanity' etc. It was a clever and novel (no puno) premise that probably helped sell the

What's a 'Disey'?

Small Puddle of Water: Revenge of the Fallen.

"She's the one who farts" - see that's why its cool to hate Kevin Smith.

I want to go back and delete my Stringer Bell post because this is superior.

Warren Oates: I was a… like… krill.