
Warren Oats - Add Golan Globus to the list.

"Grade To Be Based on Further Assignments."

The bad place of Dr Villain.

Hah, is that Time Trumpet?

Clea DuVall was the best thing about Carnivale, which is saying something because Carnivale was excellent.

Intended or not, you got it.

D_T_D - if that happened it would be the best day ever.

@ Full Metal Jackoff - to be honest, what isn't Perez Hilton trying to retard. He's retarding your nation.

What's the mental disorder that makes you never want to wear pants?

I would be interested in this product and/or service. I just hit the final rank on Bad Company (I love you VSS, you are a hack sniper's best friend) but mostly through persistance rather than skill.


Go 'way, 'turbulatin'.

On the plus side, mutherfukkers got twice as many reasons not to forget about Dre now. If they forget about Dre after this, it goes beyond and act and becomes active ignorance of the man's legacy.

Do the thing, Jon.

"you can heat it in any number of ways."

"You can't fuck very well with a flaccid penis."

'Results may vary'

I think its a case of "tastes like it smells" which is how people are able to say 'this tastes like shit' without at any point contracting chigella.

The pommel horse moment was, for me, the moment when Gymkata moved from 'so bad it's good' to 'transcendently awful'.

[pathetic hope] Please please please let this be awesome and not cut early into its run [/pathetic hope]