
Paper routes totally count, it is a thing where you sell your labour in return for money which is absolutely a job. It's the first thing where I formally did that (dockside prostitution doesn't count) so it was my first job.

Fear Factory
De-manufacture and a paper route.

How much did Transformers 2 cost to make?

People are deliberately in this thread right?

You'd think
Maybe after a high profile trial for commiting a sex crime, ole Kells might choose to make the fucking element a bit lower profile in his recordings? Perhaps the liner notes have a disclaimer along the lines of 'all fictional bitches and hos referred to in this audio recording are over the age of 18'.

Devil advocatin'
"Piracy, says Anderson, is also the fault of content-creators, who should "simply accept" their role of producing for reasons other than profit, or seek their fortunes elsewhere. Perhaps he wouldn't be so smug if someone else decided his work was worth as much."

They really should do vegemite.

TimeCop 2: American Heroes.

To be fair, they probably named the band that when the joke wasn't yet played out. Its not like a bands debut is the first ever time they bust their name out.

This is like if Idlewild didn't turn into a Coldplay biting suck-a-thon. Also anyone who is repelled by the name - fuck you. Jetpacks.

The Cover
I know it's part of the book makin' process that you didn't have much involvement with Mr Rabin, but that is one nice looking motherfucking book cover. Yay for simple sans serif fonts!

You'd play it though.

Sometimes its nice living in not-America so we don't have to fret so much about what is authentically ours. Oim gunna play some rockinroll on me digereedoo, cobber!

Hey Americanos, you send me a half-n-half case of cherry coke and Dr Pepper (no longer easily available here in Australia) and I'll ship you a case of good ole liquid burps (vanilla coke). Deal?

An Australian surgeon developed a 'spray on skin' to help burns victims heal. It's synthetic though so I guess it only partially counts.

@ i and 1 - I read 'pastries'!

Its an art film with Rammstein on the soundtrack.

I really feel like people's objections to Pitchfork became outdated a couple of years ago when Pitchfork went all professional. You wouldn't see that Charlambides review these days.

To wit -
We're Gonna need a bigger charilift.

Hey it's monday isn't it Billy Mays Etc.? Guess last week's PC is obsolete again.