
Merv Airstrike.

I'm not a Black Metal Fanboy but
How in Satan's name can you omit Burzum from a paragraph on Black Metal? Yes, Varg Vikernes is an awful Nazi, but his singular personality (ironically along with the dude he head stabbed, Euronymous) is pretty much responsible for Norwegian Black Metal and then by extension Black Metal

'Head', but yeah I saw that for the first time at like 2:00am on Rage (Australian music video late night thing) and that pretty much ruled out going to sleep until it was light. Aphex Twin was pretty much my gateway into IDM (or y'know the better word for that music that no-one ever managed to come up with) and the

I was so sad watching him get his nuts cut off to play the ridiculous sweater wearing 'Science doesn't have all the answers' science teacher in the film about the tree wind that kills you.

Get back to work Gauntlet, I expect that child labor proposal on my desk 0800 o'clock.

Does anyone have any arguments to back this up? I'm not being snarky, I'd just kinda like to hear an explanation of why this movie is bad other than "This movie? It is bad."

I wish with all my heart that this happens one day.

Plus, it taught kids about spelling 'Turtle'.

Yes he deserved to have a shitty career and I hope he burns in mediocrity.


Hahahahaha, that, my good man, will simply never happen. My understanding is that the afro twins and the short back and sides camps are very much not friends.

Spot the History Major
Everyone should read Hannah Arendt's 'The Origins of Totalitarianism'. Arendt manages to tie all the threads of the moderninst revolution of the 19th Century (so early biology, nationalism, mechanisation, imperialism etc) together with historical anti-semitism to show why Nazism happened and

Oh man, Edgar Wright's love of Chris Morris just makes me love him even more.

I love the outboard-motor-gasm. Its the point in Showgirls where the whole thing just falls into place.