
The (presumably) Monica path is pretty tenuousness. Like I have said elsewhere, Monica's best argument before a jury is her record on challenges. It would hurt her to be next to whoever comes back from RI, especially if it is Laura.

One drawback to F2 is that it makes it a lot more likely the player who is seen as likely to win will be taken out at the end. Yeah, it would be exciting to see Tyson taken out more easily, but is that actually a better outcome? F3 rewards the player who built the best alliance.

Hayden isn't all that smart. Saying he is pulling all the strings repeatedly in front of the jury is pure ammunition for Tyson if he gets to the end. Accusing someone of pulling the strings is better whispered around camp than broadcast to the jury.

She and the returnee will still be down in numbers. The most likely returnee is Laura, which crushes what little hope Ciera has of winning immunity next week.

Rooting for chaos is the best reason for backing her I have heard so far.

The other problem was that there were no stakes attached to the situation. We just had a scene of Mike talking to Coulson making it clear that he understood everyone's wariness and was super eager to prove himself. It's also been established that Ward doesn't really care about social situations.

I think, on the whole, Gervase is better off when he keeps his mouth shut, but you nailed it. That comment was exactly the right thing to say.

I missed that line. What was said?

Given that is what he shouts at whoever is losing, that phrase is burned in to Ciera's brain. Probst must have had so much trouble not shouting it at her during the swimming part of the event.

Dammit. I have been hit with the dreaded differing double post. That's what I get for speaking ill of Ciera.

CIera may not be sunk, but she looks dead in the water to me. She's made too many mistakes. She flipped one week too late. The same week she flipped on Tyson, she decided to read him the immunity clue that her plan for this week depended on.

I still think Ciera is kind of a disaster, one immunity win aside. The whole reason that she and Hayden couldn't find the idol tonight was because she read the clue out loud to the whole tribe. And, of course, the only reason things got that dire is that she ratted out everyone flipping a week before deciding to flip

I doubt Spike Lee is making Subway-level money though.

Oh, if only that were true.

Yeah, @disqus_JLwz6bWxbw:disqus This shit is serious business for Manny. He views criticizing internet comments as his calling, because he clearly can't do them properly himself based on this thread.

Is it really fair for you to hate people who have gotten invested in football if you failed at getting invested in football yourself?

I wouldn't be cheering, That was a bad episode for Ciera. She was in a swing position and made the decision that maximized jury bitterness. It can't even be seen as a big move, as she just ran to Tyson and promised him that if he let her live she would obey him forever and ever. It was sad to see someone in such a

Her decision really seemed to be bad jury management. If she had gone with voting Tyson, she would have been part of a crowd making a backstab. Running to Tyson means she get identified as the one person that betrayed her old tribe,

The important thing is the redesign is driving a lot of comments, which is the sole metric of value on the internet.

Of course, you can always use CTRL - to zoom out if you want smaller text.