
Yeah, I was impressed with her early on, but even then showed some shocking social blindness. As an example, she was the one that ran to Brandon to tell him Phillip wanted him gone, setting of the whole rice dumping incident. She still had a lot going for her though.

@avclub-858b67085072a6f2403cf500871f4068:disqus The Malcolm analogy is a good one. On top of it, she was using Eddie (although not Malcolm), as the other half of her couple. That left her with an ally who was dead weight. Not only did he have little to contribute, he was outside her alliance.

Yeah, that is great point, @avclub-a9f5102dde8ca6e2ef0b18e777e918ed:disqus . I have given Malcolm a hard time about that, but you put it in perspective.

The early episode were all about the fan team imploding, so they might have slipped one in there. Still, in those episodes, usually they only glimpse we got of the Favorites was a brief Stealth R Us sketch.

If this is the thread to critique Andrea, I think she made another huge error. During the first challenge, she decided to get rid of Brenda. That's fine, but when she went to Cochran, she said we need to get rid of Brenda and Dawn.There was no benefit to mentioning Dawn.

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus  I could see it being a ruse. The guy is a lawyer after all. If he told his team mates ahead of time, it was a good play, if he didn't, is wasn't.
Now, we did see a reaction shot of Dawn looking rattled by it, and Cochran looking like he regretted it. That would make me

I think you are right in general. I'm sure Phillip wants to be bitter, but it looks like only member of Stealth R Us will survive until the end, so he will only have a target if his crazy invents one.

Thats' decent short term logic, but bad long-term.

She was worse than cocky, she was wavering between cocky and fearful paranoia. That's a real killer.

Yeah, and after having just handed away one idol, he pats himself on the back with a speech about how he doesn't give immunity away anymore.

I was a little stunned that Cochran came out and said that he was making false promises about his final allies at the last Tribal Council. The looks on Dawn's face was telling. It an especially dumb move considering how gleeful he was watching Andrea combust at the previous council, talking about how hard she was

It would be hard to believe that it hadn't been.and there is nothing to indicate that the massive store from last season wasn't what they recovered.

@avclub-82cf46948ca0f531a256e38473c9282f:disqus His relationship with his sons was a little fraught though.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus makes a good point. There is not reason to think she hadn't already bathed that day, especially considering it was such a deliberate seduction.

This marriage is just another gift to Arrested Westeros. With the hand thing and now casting Tobias, I would swear the writers were doing it on purpose if it wasn't based on the books.

I don't really see this clean division.

I disagree. Robb's problem is that he spends all his time getting into fights with his own team. The fact that his side hasn't won yet and has dangerous enemy is the only thing holding it together. Peace would only be worse for him. Robb is a good soldier and a terrible king.

@avclub-183f50a7700982a3ed18ff6d7a5777bf:disqus Just to nitpick, you have that backwards. Winning a battle is tactics. Strategy is winning the war. He is excellent at tactics and terrible at strategy. Terminology aside, I agree with your point though.

I'm not going to do a full breakdown, but I am leaning towards Cochran. Somebody upthread mentioned that he is in the same risky spot as Malcolm and will get voted off at the final four. I'm not so sure.

@avclub-2378677b42d71f3f051d32bfaf88c1d7:disqus To be fair, Malcolm has beenn just as arrogant and repeatedly talked about how Cochran is on his kill list, so I can clearly see why Cochran savored it.