
I wouldn't worry about your gender. Kim is smart enough to offset Kat's stupidity. Also, Sabrina, Alicia and Chelsie standing up to Kim and making her give up a goat shows they aren't half-bad either.

She has been the best player this season, but she still has plenty of room for a downfall. We saw this week that the rest of tribe is happy to ignore and vote off someone else. What's worse is they wanted to vote off Kat because she is strong in challenges. The next big challenge threat is Kim.

I'm with @FuriousGiorge:disqus . Tarzan wasn't just the traitor that sold out the guys, he constantly butted heads with them and was a real pain in the ass. Jonas flat out hates him, and I can't imagine that Leif has any warm and fuzzy feelings for him.

I think the outrage at Kat was just classic justification. They wanted Kat gone, since she was clearly one of Kim's goats. This was a just a "rational" way to justify it.

Let's face it, even if she never does face jeopardy again, she is going to have a tough time not saying something horrible to the jury in the final three. The first time she gets even a mildly tough question she is going to lash out.

I'm really not seeing Kim as "stronger than ever". She had to cave to the others and give up one of her loyal goats this week. I wouldn't go so far as to say she is weak, but her victory really isn't assured at this point. She's made some serious missteps.

@avclub-fb774c19f3511a5af40b08978b1d6764:disqus I'll agree with you on last weeks episode. It had its funny parts,  but the emotional stuff just didn't work for me. I think the whole recent Abed arc was a mistake. Part of the point with him has always that is he is just who is and you have to accept him. Having Annie

@avclub-95b1c507175e8fe8492752ae6540a730:disqus I'll admit that I never even gave that show a chance. As a teen I had short-sigthed, jealoud bias against any guy the was deemed a heart-throb.Fortunately, I got laid pretty early in my college experience and got over it.

@Fraggins:disqus @avclub-b210215075f68e712aa3d04c9269aea8:disqus Yeah, I saw it opening night and had the exact reaction that Nollvane did. I'm not above being cheaply manipulated.

Yeah, I know that this is a montage of film debuts, but it loses a lot of punch when you include someone who was already overexposed before they got a movie. (I'm betting a lot of younger posters here have no idea that some of us who experienced the 80's dreaded the idea of Jason Bateman getting a comeback in Arrested

I don't think many people were prepared for what they got with Videodrome when it first hit the theaters, whether they saw that trailer or not.

Nah, Hipsters would just read reviews by contrarian critics to build up some talking points so the could pretend to have seen it and run it down.

I talked upthread about how the lame ads for Fight Club enhanced my enjoyment, as I had no idea what I was in for.

On some level, I think the poor marketing worked in its advantage, as it totally blindsided me when I saw it. Not just the final twist, but the entire tone of the thing.

Yeah, but the dog almost getting killed and then not is just paint-by-numbers applause chum. It was effective, but really fits an inventory of art that is exactly what you expect.

To add on to my earlier comment, this was a pitch perfect L&O parody. Wouldn't it have gone completely against that goal to to add some character arc stuff to the episode? L&O is almost completly unconcerned with that kind of thing,

No, need to apologize. It gives commentators something to do. A you are pretty good about delving into the comments, it's not like you are done when you post it. Posting it sooner just lets all get into the conversation.

@avclub-6a1cf9ff786388fe8796c57ec63d1075:disqus It's not him simply giving his opinions. It is his pattern of giving his opinion followed immediately by an insult of anyone that disagrees with him. He never build any kind of case to support his view, and he attacks his opponents in the lowest terms possible. It's

@avclub-6a1cf9ff786388fe8796c57ec63d1075:disqus Sure.

@avclub-1aa75ead4fb22c7a6f25c91b5c48727e:disqus I'm enjoying the season, but I agree that it was a seriously risky move to go after jay so soon. Giving up Christina that week, who was never really in her alliance, would have been better, as she still would have had numbers on her side and could have skated by without