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    How many years have we been reading about the difficult relationship Dave Chappelle has with his audience? This is a thing now and I guess, however unfair that may sound, it's really up to the performer to learn and deal with it. Having only read internet-stuff about it and not being involved in any other way, I have

    hawaii? who's going to hawaii? moe? am i going to hawaii?

    Could all still happen. For a while I thought she was gonna be Debra's mom. Could still happen. Also, Matthews is Dexter's father and wise to the whole act. Also, Hanna is Rita's sister separated from birth. I have a fantasy of the finale where everyone who died in the series' history still lives, and they're all

    It'll be the first case Detective Quinn solves, 30 years in the future, on the day of his retirement.

    Batista spots Deb: "I saw you from my car and I had this moment where it was just like old times." He's just as dead-pan matter-of-fact about his feelings as Harrison is about who he considers his mother: after spending several years under her loving care, he is aware that Jamie B is an automatron and wants nothing

    well thank Jebus, at least you watched 3 clips, read the article and took time to post. I was going to read 3 comments of yours and see if there was anything worth saving in those, but then I realized I'm an asshole so instead of doing that I'm just gonna leave you this comment.

    The more haters out there, the funnier Gervais' send-ups become.

    Imagine in your real-world newspaper there's an item about some elusive drug kingpin being apprehended by the police. Imagine reading "it's the brother in law of a DEA cop". Then imagine reading "the cop took the guy on ride alongs". Remember the time Heisenberg sabotaged the DEA's setup with Badger (the time some

    I was all ready to reply to you "OFC LYDIA HAD TODD & CO KILL THOSE OTHER GUYS" but you've made me wonder if maybe, yeah, that was decided in an off-camera moment with Walt.

    when Hank tells his co-workers that his very own brother-in-law, the guy who paid for his physiotherapy with dirty drug money, is the Heisenberg they're after, the DEA is gonna send Hank to Miami because there's a homicide department there that would welcome a cop like Hank.

    in "gliding over all" we see Walt undergoing a scan. He is definitely at the hospital because the dryer in the bathroom is still busted from the time he hit it out of frustration. That is all the audience knows about his cancer returning until we see him having chemo in last week's "blood money". hank seems to be the

    Can't ignore the symbolism of oranges. When Ted Beneke crashed into that wall, didn't some oranges fall on his head or something?

    Man the former White-residence just oozed a bad mojo. Appareantly, Charlie Rose came in and spraypainted "H E I S E N B E R G" on Flynn's breakfast-wall.

    I understand the following: "could destroy our family" "theeeey've" "and for what?" "give a shit about family!" It's ambiguous, but so are Hank's emotions. As in the review: anger and shame, hurt and agression. Uncle Hank may now know that his family has been through enough problems already, because: Heisenberg. But

    A Methsummer Night's Dream


    Write an episode of the simpsons, the "extra" finales, an idiot abroad, the ricky gervais show audio and video, life's too short, this here derek show, host some awards show people talked about for a bit, stand up tours … Perhaps refraining from mistaking your own personal feelings about the guy with blandly stating


    My guest tonight is Skinny Pete, celebrated pianist and recovering addict.

    D'you hear Masuka label something "cra- cra-"? You know, as in "crazy"! It's hip with the kids, but unless this all ends with Dexter carrying off the decapitated heads of every Miami Metro officer (except Matthews) on his boat, I'm calling this writing "la- la-". Matthews gets a pass because that evil bastard is IN on