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    yeah, things can never be "modern classics", that whole concept is just rooted in failing to understand what either of those words mean, I'm sorry but you're just wrong.

    Nice one. Boy, that Felina girl is just like Walt's crystal meth: used all over town, except by the guy that really loves her nudge nudge wink wink.

    a pre-med college student paralyzed by a snowboarding accident who works at the free clinic … because with a cool 9,5 M $ under his belt this is one financially independent college student! a little bit of the love the cast and crew of BB is always talking about sharing for eachother has transferred out of my tv

    but, so what are you saying, Bryan Cranston falls short because it's obvious now?

    yeah, and in the end of the episode, Hank scoffs at Walt: "Heisenberg. Heisenberg!" It's like Watchmen's "Fearful Symmetry". There's so much duality in Breaking Bad, I miss so many things the first time around, thanks for pointing at this gem Scott Kaufman! These articles are really in-depth, and the pay-off is good

    Come ooooon, give this show and these guys a break! I remember just being totally turned off by the episode that was only about Terrance & Philip, and that was way back … imagine not having seen all the great episodes that came after that! Ending South Park … tsssk! I remember the Book Of Mormon appearance of the guys

    Jesse, one night in a bar with Flynn: "You know, I have this … uncle"

    I agree with all of that, except that it means I'll be buying this barrel or a downsized version in perhaps two years. Also: don't brag about having paid that much for that show. Especially around Breaking Bad. Thanks!

    i am the one who likes?

    Good thing you pointed that out, because "the general public is well aware of the ABQ meth world" was what I thought the reason for the Charlie Rose scene. (Until it turned into another launchpad for "Walt White + Pride => Heisenberg" thing.) But it's also a "Walter White poisons everything" thing. Poor Gray Matter.

    to hell with whatever Gilligan and Odenkirk have or will come up with, this is how I'll be remembering the Goodmans. But who is Ted? Beneke? Couldn't Huell have eaten the cinnabons with Bill Burr? Your confirmation of this is critical to me walking away from next week's episode sort of … alive.

    Hi, I'm Network Executive Guy and I can't wait to tell you folks about my new show. The first episode will air tomorrow and the last one  in 2025. But, yes, it is all one seasons, because, you see, it's all part of the same story! There are these characters in the first episodes, and some of them will also be in the

    I wouldn't say "carefully" … pretty sure Heisenberg is just winging it at this point! But you're right. To me, it was the word "bitch" that gave me the AHA-moment.

    if this is about Scientology leaning on one of their own to "do the right thing", then I'd direct anger towards that religious racket rather than the actress personally.

    We'll know if her last episode is anything like Isaac Hayes' on South Park: "I'm gonna make love to your asshole, children!"

    At first I thought the "Rabid Dog" was to be Walt desperately spouting lies again: pump-malfunctions, meeting Saul outside the hotel, reassuring Junior, wanting to reassure Jesse … he's almost literally foaming at the mouth.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong: didn't Gus Fring have a mole in the DEA? Don't really remember where, but I seem to recall this is the case. What if it's Gomie?

    Jesse took care of that problem, dog!

    a director's cut, consisting of the entire series, but framed as flash-backs during Jesse's confession: the Hank-Jesse-scenes functioning as book-ends to the episodes.

    what's the deal with these corn nuts? Is it a corn or is it a nut?