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    "My son Dexter is a real psychopath." (Dexter's watching the Harry-CAM dvd.)
    "You told an outsider you thought I was a psychopath? (Dexter adresses Ghost Harry)
    "I only tried to protect you, son" (Ghost Harry glances soulfully at Dexter.)
    "You are destroying me in the future!" (Dexter is shaking the Harry-CAM laptop,

    Batista enjoying a night with his hat. Now that spin-off I'd watch.

    they certainly have a new dynamic ever since Jaguar. I don't know if there needs to be a romantic angle here: it would certainly be ironic if Pete ended up being the one man in Joan's life who never made that move on her. If Lane was a good friend to her, or at least a confidant, their relationship was sort of spoiled

    you can be his daughter

    didn't hurt his chances with betty either

    "I want you to stop calling this number, Bobby. Marty's with me now."

    I missed that thing about the Atlanta waves, but if "true", that only gives more urgency to the need for disposing of a sizeable chunk of the walkers around your lodgings. You could even, and I say this as an ex-undertaker, use the corpses to fortify your walls. But really, the only reason I'm sort of stressing this

    Here's another weird thing about the world of TWD: "walkers" are only taken care of when they are an immediate threat. This makes no sense to me. Step into my zombie apocalypse fantasy for a moment, please: You've just secured a safezone with gates and a fence. You're running low on ammunition. You're quite aware by

    isn't there something wrong with the episode numbering? I imagine this was ep 6, and Sybil's death happened in five … seems trivial but right is right

    Yippee Ki Yay, lads!

    So Roya's angry outburst at Carrie about "hommes fatales" is only the writers' way of telling the audience "just because Nazir is dead doesn't mean there aren't any angry terrorists for our crew to worry about anymore!"?

    So Roya's angry outburst at Carrie about "hommes fatales" is only the writers' way of telling the audience "just because Nazir is dead doesn't mean there aren't any angry terrorists for our crew to worry about anymore!"?

    I'm waiting for HBO to announce the spin-off where Richard Harrow and Chalky White team up.  I'd watch the hell out of that. "Two guys, one face & some racial tension"

    I'm waiting for HBO to announce the spin-off where Richard Harrow and Chalky White team up.  I'd watch the hell out of that. "Two guys, one face & some racial tension"



    holly's gonna find the rycin behind the socket

    There's two things I know about Jesse James. He was an outlaw pulling off cool dangerous risks. And he died, arguably, somewhat more memorably then you and I probably will. (Same goes for Scarface. And Billy the Kid.)

    There's two things I know about Jesse James. He was an outlaw pulling off cool dangerous risks. And he died, arguably, somewhat more memorably then you and I probably will. (Same goes for Scarface. And Billy the Kid.)