
What exactly is the connection?
I mean, sparkly Twilight dildos are one thing. They tie into the movie's themes of forbidden pleasure and severely damaged women dying alone and unloved.

Second firstie, but first called shot. The other one was when I was brand new and didn't want to attract anger and CancerAIDS.

Jealous. You probably had the chance to make firstie, but when it came time to type something in…

First one to have their glasses wink loses!!!!!!!!

One time, I saw a rowdy frat boy yell at Ben Folds for REFUSING to play "bitches ain't shit." It was a viral hit or something and the crowd wanted it bad. Mr. Folds declined.

I'm on Team Boston. Or Cambridge. Anywhere I can reach by train, really.

I don't wanna do the legwork, but it's a thing. Look at… where could you find it? Comments for Twilight-related YouTubes are prolly a good bet. Eyeroll is not sufficient for this stuff. Unless the eyes roll all the way out of your head, it is NOT ENOUGH.

Actually, a really good Twilight drinking game would involve watching the movie with dozens of cans of beer nearby and no rifftrax. The only rule is "Try not to drink." See how long you can take this movie without drinking yourself into unconsciousness. There's an awkward opening monologue. If you make it past that


Everyone in that movie seems to constantly be slightly ill. It's a bad look. The paleness combined with the half-squinting and choked awkwardness makes them seem constantly on the verge of vomiting. I'm not saying they'd be preternaturally attractive without the makeup and emoting, but it would help.

My totes usage has not gone from ironic to un-ironic… yet.

*at some point, not love. What the heck kind of typo is that?

Vince Vaughn is a down-on-his-luck stock broker whose recent divorce from his shrewish wife has lost him custody of his precocious and wonderful daughter, and he realizes too late that all he really wanted to be was a father. In the trailer, this realization will be backed with heartstring-pulling but whimsical

Look at the YouTube. That's a CNN watermark!

I forget what Bravo used to show
before this whole reality thing? Nature docs? Hardcore porn? Music videos?

I can't believe I missed the power outage/ PLS NO CANDLES scandal! I was home that weekend! LAME!

High five, bros! Isn't having all this intercourse all the time pretty effing sweet AM I RIGHT!?

No, I'm here right now and went to Sociology of Gender this morning as usual. With Liberty in town, it would have been "Housewifin' for Jesus" or for us men, "Women: Makin' Them Housewife for Jesus"

91.5, but it's been a while since I tuned in, so I don't know what you'll find. Gotta be better than the rest of radio, though.

I think Tufts' radio station is still good. It's definitely still small and hard to receive anywhere that's not RIGHT HERE.