
No? I only saw an article on Vox using that Colbert material as a vehicle to critique the greater trend of liberals' endless deluge of "Putin & Trump are secretly gay for each other!1!" jokes (usually accompanied by a picture of them being ~gay~ together that's intended to be humiliating). Are there serious

Huh, did the full-length Film Club episode get taken down?

Give it time.

Everything he and his trash collaborators do, everything they say is like a MORE repugnant, idiotic version of what you use to imagine a smart Hollywood satire on an extreme rightwing takeover of this country - aided and abetted by the corporate media's dumbed-down misinformation, diversions, false equivalences, and

Split was campy goodness.

Really? Maybe because I usually read Vishnevetsky's & Dowd's reviews, but I've always found them pretty tough graders.

lol, neither "Inatiy" nor the "-tsky" suffix read as Russian to you?

Heh. Again we get the trailer/movie scenes suddenly cutting in over the conversation out of nowhere. It's becoming a regular Film Club feature~

I thought Drug War was fun & well-crafted, but it didn't blow my socks off. For those who've seen both, is Three an actioner in the same vein (tonally, etc.)?

I think she's slightly overhyped in some quarters and has been, for the most part, miscast in those D.O.R. films, but she has an effortless charisma and authenticity to her acting that sucks me in - very nuanced when she clicks with the material. That said, I'll admit she just wasn't that good as Mystique - horribly

Yeah, independent of historic and (particularly glaring) recent Hollywood trends, as well as blatant double standards, the age difference wouldn't be that notable, but society/the entertainment industry being what they are…

…That's not racism. Jfc, y'all and your contrived persecution complexes are really helping to plunge this country into a horrible death spiral right now.

Completely disagree. To me, Pratt only works in light, charming comedic roles, and even then, he's not spectacular.

Hmm, at the word "female"…

Trump's America just gets worse and worse.

"Also, Russians are trying to make the world a worse place, as

Noooo, Fringe! Hopefully it comes back (how often do TV series go and then come back to streaming?)

Who's the "creepy girl swimmer" and why is she creepy?

Yeah. Even as someone who's very, very interested in the poor gender & heteronormative representation in comic book movies (and Hollywood in general) - and SS seems very much like another example of that - the contemptuous, bitterly sarcastic tone to this Newswire over the ~startling~ fact that the sizable chunk of

I saw a comment describing watching the film as "like standing in a Hot Topic for two hours with no air conditioning and the employees are blasting every Limp Bizket album at once." Which is basically my version of cinematic hell (and jibes with the impression I got from the film's relentless advertising campaign), so