
"Cara Delevingne was incredible"

"Are things crazier now than they were, say, 20 years ago? A hundred years ago?"

This seems in rather poor taste to me, frankly. While I agree that it's ridiculous we still have nothing but white men on the late-night talk shows (to the point where we're actually importing white men from overseas rather than using homegrown minority or female talent; e.g. Ferguson & Corden), he shouldn't shade his

It always seems to rankle someone in the comments section when I.V. uses the word "reactionary."

…What are you even talking about?

On the domestic front, I definitely agree. When it comes to foreign adventurism and meddling, though, a more measured, self-reflective attitude is in order, considering our involvement in abhorrent episodes like the Indonesian purge/killings, our wars which killed hundreds and hundreds of thousands of innocents, and

Kay. Except you were trying to do actual political analysis there, and I was interested in how you framed it ideologically. But I guess it was just a joke~

Of course he did.

I didn't say you were some McCarthyite, but where exactly were you being ironic?

We could be "dickheads" too, you know? See: Vietnam, basically all our interventions/interference in Latin America, Iran, and now Iraq, etc. etc. Also, using terms like "filthy red"..there's just a smack of right-wing ideology to your comments?

There were two notable transgender movies this year, and of course Oscar chose to honor the safe, blandly tasteful, British thespian-y one of the two (not saying Tangerine deserved acting noms though). I hope the Academy's boner for Redmayne was worth it when they could have nominated Samuel L. Jackson's worthier

Hm, both come off as incredibly articulate speakers to these ears? Vishnevetsky's usually more energetic in these discussions, but not to an overcaffeinated extent.

At least in her next romance she'll be paired with a guy who's merely a decade older than her (Chris Pratt). We're making progress!

The sad thing about The Good Dinosaur underperforming is you KNOW Disney is going to willfully draw all the wrong lessons from that - even in a year when Inside Out did great - in their disheartening bid to ruin an actually creative animation house. Same goes for In the Heart of the Sea. Because the idea of being

Another Film Club so soon - awesome!

I love God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen despite those fire-and-brimstone lyrics.

Thank you!

I feel so attacked. I love Christmas songs. There's plenty of good secular stuff: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas; All I Want For Christmas Is You; The Christmas Song, Sleigh Ride; that instrumental Carol of the Bells w/ electric guitar deal; Baby, It's Cold Outside (except that one date rapey lyric?); I'll Be

I was going to hold off on watching this until I read the book, but if it functions as a foreword…

I didn't even enjoy the original Rocky, so I'm guessing I won't be able to enjoy this…