It can be two things

I'm guessing that part-time job is not teaching English…

I'll allow.

Exactly how many calories does one burn stuffing a single into a bejewelled thong?

It can be both things indeed. Easily.

*Plays 16-week-long guitar solo*————-

"Wake up - time to SIIIING!"

'Daddy's alternative'


When a frog and another frog love each other… very much…


Methinks the laddy did not protest enough…

I have a bad feeling about this…

Try this handy reminder - the English title of Pedro Almodóvar's first full-length film was Folla, Folla, Fóllame Tim! from 1978 is
Fuck… Fuck… Fuck Me, Tim!

Season 27. Probably.

Please don't have sex with our city's cash machines.

I heard a rumour - and apologies if this the hoariest of old chestnuts and/or has been disproved - that there were two prizes behind the revolving door: a spiffy speedboat (or similar) and a thills-free shed (or similar). The former made an appearance when the contestants lost and the latter was the 'big' prize when

Pud(an)enda this, please.

Let's see what you could have won…

Awww yeeeeeahhhh.

Where's Lil Poochie?