It can be two things

Fine, we just do my favourite related joke instead.

The band the Beatles could have been…

Chartreuse female lawyer!


Music's a broad church, Thurston, and your inflammatory remarks may be misplaced in this instance…

Some people call me Sandler.

This is the first and and hopefully last time Autechre are described as 'breakbeat' here or in any medium.

Not to your face, no.

Le loup… est dans l'arbre.

Aw, but that's the magic number.

Pfft - that's what you think.

We can be two things.

I am making a comment telling you "it's meta".

Ah, le mot juste.

No shit.

For which we are all getting too old.

"Bet you didn't expect a pedantic Lonely Island fanboy to show up."

What a complete aunt.

True. But it kills the joke.

… and speaking of retards…