It can be two things

Got any buggering in it?

"I'd like to hear a lot less of Florence and a lot more of the Machine" - Peter Hook (ex-New Order)

Statistically speaking, nine out of ten people enjoy gang rape jokes.

It can be… more than two things.

Also 15th and every number in between, depending on the angle from which you look at it.

"I'm out of the band? I'm out of the band? The whole freaking system is out of the band."

"I say, I say: what's the secret of comedy?"

It can be… one thing.

Use spectral protection next time, Billy.

Called it.

No, es posible ser dos cosas.

@avclub-ee86f2eb94048ec21387d5b848337fa2:disqus The cat can be two things.

Maybe this piece is a disguised letter of resignation. 'Cause when the snark is gone, it's gone, baby.

The Young Gods doing Charlotte - as their encore - at the inaugural Phoenix Festival in 1993.

I was there! During the cover of 'Metal' that preceded it, Trent, Gary et al stood around keyboards against a suitably gothic/neon background - it looked like they were on the bridge of a Klingon Bird of Prey, and not in a good way.

"Opening." It can mean two* things.

"I DON'T CARE! And I'll see you all in… BRAZIL!"

@avclub-6a2122265ccf2e14e3ce86a1c356a462:disqus @Scrawler2:disqus @KyleRyan:disqus Boo! I will defend the first two seasons of Dream On to the death.

That's flattering but we barely know each other.

Our brands macht frei.