It can be two things

@avclub-1df8797177fc3b52be6784aacca7358c:disqus It can be two things.

Maybe the planned SyFy adaptation of The Man in the High Castle might stiffen Gondry's resolve.

Amen to that.

@avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus Together at last!



Pretty sure it's a typo - it should say 'remystifying'.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus The only thing worse than being talked about is gang rape.Although statistically speaking etc.

It was Jean Baudrillard who controversially hypothesised that Storage Wars did not take place.

Try as I might, I can't not.

@avclub-2b88c1c9536414bc2c9e43d902eadcd0:disqus So you don't have a kiss for daddy?

I don't even own the ability to interpret written symbols.

You could do worse than to check out The Joy Formidable's My Beerdrunk Soul is Sadder Than A Hundred Dead Christmas Trees - awesome title, great song (at any time of the year): http://www.youtube.com/watc…

You could do worse than to check out The Joy Formidable's My Beerdrunk Soul is Sadder Than A Hundred Dead Christmas Trees - awesome title, great song (at any time of the year): http://www.youtube.com/watc…

[HITS @avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus WITH SLINGSHOT, TELLS SISTER SHE TAUGHT ME TO STAND UP FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN]

[HITS @avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus WITH SLINGSHOT, TELLS SISTER SHE TAUGHT ME TO STAND UP FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN]

That's because you're not in the demo.

That's because you're not in the demo.

@LimeadeYouth:disqus  … and Autechre c. 2001, 2003 and 2010.

@LimeadeYouth:disqus  … and Autechre c. 2001, 2003 and 2010.